Aurilion's 2nd visit - Aurilion is called by Bast / we discover the Big Trees Forest Preserve

Aug 16, 2008 09:56

Aurilion and I went to Phoenix and Dragon (a metaphysical shop and bookstore), and on the way there we passed a small sign on the far side of the road that said "Big Trees Forest Preserve." It's really quite miraculous that we even noticed it -- I believe it called to us. We both noticed and exclaimed at the same time, and decided that we would stop there on our way back.

While at Phoenix and Dragon, Aurilion found a figurine of Bastet, a Deity who had called zir earlier this visit. Witnessing that calling was such an amazing experience! I sensed something happening and sat next to Aurilion, feeling a warm golden energy slowly blossom around us. Neither of us said much, just sat together feeling this presence, and I 'heard' Bastet's name so clearly and with such power. I am always hesitant to speak that which might be someone else's sacred truth, but this was so clear I had no doubt. I still had to work myself up to saying what I had heard though ;-) Aurilion instantly confirmed that ze had heard the same name (in the stronger form, Bast) and, filled with delight, received a message from Bast. Right after, I painted Aurilion with golden dust and gave zir the magic vial I had created for zir. Ze wrote of the beautiful spiritual experiences then and at Phoenix and Dragon. I was so honored to be witness, and to feel the magic of it. ♥

We both got stones -- I got stones for two of my Deities and various stones to represent the spirit, heart, and soul of Nimajn and Aurilion. (I may photograph my sanctuary/altar and share it here; if I do I'll explain the stones) We brought them along when we started walking the trail, because I had had the idea that we could cleanse them with the dirt at the roots of a tree that called to us; but it turned out there was an even better opportunity waiting for us.

(I have Named some of the trees we met -- not explaining more just now because I'm conceiving a post on the significance of names/naming in my life)

this was the tiny sign along a busy 5 lane road, with a car dealership on the other side. We were both so drawn to it that we noticed! (even though it was a part of town that makes me nervous with the crazy drivers so I was quite preoccupied with driving!)


there was beautiful light in front of the sign at the entrance, so I insisted we take photos there. The light was deeply filtered once we entered the forest.


"Halmajesu - Peaceful Triad"
these trees meshed so perfectly at the roots that they may in fact be a three-trunked tree. (California Black Oak, I think)


I asked Aurilion to stand in the midst of them and ze delightedly obliged.


"Liisjekefeni - Joyful Dancer"
this Shagbark Hickory was the first tree that made my mouth drop open. In person ze looks even more like a dancer, twirling zir branches like a veil, and ze gave me a sense of such joy!


"Efaniburl - Quiet Strength"
This was possibly the largest tree we encountered that day (though it's hard to tell). I got the feeling that ze had been sleeping, and was slowly waking as we communed with zir. I have no idea what species ze is as I didn't get any good shots of the leaves. I want to guess some kind of oak?


Aurilion communing with Efaniburl


treechild and guardian


such safety (Aurilion took this ♥)


treekisser! (Aurilion took this too ♥)


next time I visit I am going to leave an offering here (something natural) -- it seems to invite such things.


I love how this dead tree is left standing ♥


"Wahtaveoir - Victory Approaches"
a trishula!


my reverence


Aurilion's reverence


we discovered a stream! perfect for cleansing our stones.


adorable fae!


my stones next to the little rushing waterfall I cleansed them in, and Aurilion's toes next to the rushing water ze used.


Aurilion's stones are on the rock next to zir hand -- I didn't get a better photo of them :-/


"Venazoe - Happy to be Alive"
the beautiful American Beech by the stream


Aurilion sharing a giggle with Venazoe!


me snuggling Venazoe


this is what we were surrounded by...


lush blankets of green


a magical arch surely woven by forest fae


Aurilion gazing up in naked wonder


I was taking photos of myself when I realized ze was stretching in the background and turned the camera to capture zir :D Most gorgeous person ever, yes?


and then I tickled zir belly, and then I made zir pose again! I adore adore adore zir treasure trail!!!


Looking at this photo I lose my breath all over again at the beauty and magic...


this is where they start getting blurrier as night is falling, but I love this one because of the look of... wondering wisdom on our faces.


and joy :D


yay I can has kisses! *giggles*


and Aurilion can too!


*heart trips and beats faster*




back to walking ;-)


joyous wonder!


we came upon another small falls and Aurilion couldn't resist wading ;-)


*shivers* this one best captures the spirit of the place, I think. At about this point I was so filled with love-joy-life-beauty I started singing wordlessly, a glossolalia springing from my overflowing gratitude...


here, Aurilion was singing... ze and I stepped into the same song and our voices spiraled together like two vines twining 'round the same tree. Like drums and flutes, different and perfectly united, slipping into the spaces left by the other.


I was quiet and glowing with awe...


this is the expression I wore most of the walk... my mouth just kept falling open as each twist of the trail revealed new enchantments


like this bridge! Made from the stones that were already there, with a bit of concrete to hold them in place. Aurilion cutely walked across with zir arms out and I asked zir to do it again so I could take a photo.


Aurilion walks ahead on our way out


beaming with the joy of this experience!


a faded article tells the story of how Big Trees Forest Preserve came to be --
it made me cry. I wish John was still alive so I could meet zir.

This is part of the reason I love Georgia so much. The land speaks, and we listen. Not all of us, but enough ♥ Georgia has a spirit like none other.


some excerpts from the guestbook, a composition notebook kept in a box next to the entrance...


...which, of course, we signed. (along with such a variety of people! including one entry in characters that looked Chinese or Japanese (I am woefully unable to tell the difference))


It was so beautifully and lovingly kept. Created in such a way as to honor nature's design, rather than impose a new design and destroy the old... the signposts were mostly recovered wood from fallen logs & such, the bridges were constructed of the least material possible in order to blend in, rather than grab attention... the paths were mulched rather than paved (and some simply packed dirt), surely harder to upkeep but so much more natural and comfortable. I didn't see a speck of litter. I could FEEL the love put into the preserve. I would really love to meet the caretaker(s). And I can't wait to go back and explore more (we didn't go far because we were taking everything in so deeply). And this, THIS, surrounded by industrial, bustling city! Safe, forever, thanks to the reverence and generosity of one person.

Truly the most magical place I have ever been; such a beautiful example of people working with and honoring nature. ♥ ♥ ♥

big trees forest preserve, deities, photos, spirituality, art -- photography, magic, georgia, trees, aurilion, the essential belenen collection, nature, aurilion -- visiting 2008-07 (home)

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