music sharing: Dream Art Science, E.S. Posthumus, Dead Can Dance

Apr 22, 2008 23:59

22 of my five-star favorite songs on the 22nd of each month ;-) A five-star song is one that has strong melodic pull as well as significant lyrical meaning to me -- all of these are very important to me. In sharing them I'm sharing some of my soul... I'm trusting you to listen and sense it. ♥

Usually I share based on what I've been listening to lately, but this time I am sharing songs that have strong spiritual meaning to me. In this post: Dream Art Science, E.S. Posthumus, and Dead Can Dance. Dream Art Science found me on myspace and invited me to check out their music, and when I did I was utterly swept away. They create spiritual music, based on ancient Egyptian religion and some very unique concepts of their own (that I do not really understand). Their sound really touches me, but even more than that their lyrics stir me. I wish I could explain how MUCH their lyrics speak my own heart, speak my spirituality in many ways. E.S. Posthumus was introduced to me by Cynosis, who sent me one of their songs in a mix which she composed just for me. I loved the whole thing, but the song "Nara" just set me on fire! I shared it with Hannah and Lily, who experienced it in a similar way -- this incredible spiritual experience, like when you hear a new piece of wisdom that resonates deeply in you. I had to buy the album, and the whole thing affected me in nearly the same way! Listening to it is... amazing for me. I've never been so touched by music without lyrics (at least, without English lyrics -- some have lyrics in other languages, which sounds like an integral part of the music to my ear). Dead Can Dance caught my eye at a used CD store -- I took Spiritchaser home and listened to it non-stop for ages, in the car and in the house. It's also mainly lyricless, with singing in glossolalia (what some call speaking-in-tongues). I find that especially beautiful, very expressive, and it feels even more 'true' to my ear than lyrics. The few songs that do have lyrics really inspire me.

Belenen's favorites -- April 2008 mix

the links with ** afterwards have full song downloads -- most are 30 second samples.

Dream Art Science
(all from Hydrogen Burning)

Deep And Strong -- Dream Art Science**
Here we are together
So in love with each other
Everything is precious and new
And we can do
anything we want to do

Let your love grow deep and strong
Like the roots of the oak tree
Let it be everything it can be
Let it spread far and wide and all around
Let it reach deep inside, into the ground

No lightning or thunder
Can tear us asunder
This life on Earth can be so fine
We keep growing all the time
We’ll hold firm, weather any storm
Believing in each other
Will keep our love from harm

As above, so below.
We’ll go as far as we have to go
Like roots seeking water.
Like the lonely heart searching for its lover,
We’ll take strength from down under

Let it grow.
Let it grow.
Let it grow.

^this song is utterly sacred to me.^
If I could only hear one song ever, this would be the one I'd want.

Inundation -- Dream Art Science**
I dreamed about the Inundation
I dreamed about regeneration
I dreamed about the Inundation
And the waters of re-creation

Summer days and the sun is strong
Summer time and the days are long
People taking shelter from the sweltering heat
The time is near for the cool and the sweet

It was a wet dream
It was a wet scene

And dreams flow. Dreams flow.
And dreams flow. Dreams flow.

No Place (Song Of Atum) -- Dream Art Science
Once I had no tribe
Once I had no people
Once I was alone in the waters of Nun

And I could find no place to stand
I could find no place to stand

There was a time
When there was only ocean
There was a time
When there was only water
There was no land. There was no land.

Once I lived in solitude
In the company of the uncreated
Once I was alone in the waters of Nun

And I could find no place to stand
I could find no place to stand
Stand, stand, I will stand
Stand, stand, I will stand

Once I had no tribe
Once I had no people
Once I had no tribe

Khepri (Rising Sun) -- Dream Art Science
We are roots in the mud.
We are stems in the water.
We are leaves in the air.
We are flowers in the sun.

Khepri, Kheper, Kheperu, Kheper-kuy, m Kheperu, m Kheperu
(I became, the becoming became, I have become in becoming)

Wizard -- Dream Art Science
It looks like Armageddon
And the start of a new heaven
This is as real as real can be
And this stage
reaches out to infinity

There are colors on the wall,
The emotions they recall
Are everywhere, filling the hall

There’s a wizard in motion
Every wave of his hand
stirs my imagination
And his eyes mesmerize me
Like the waves upon the ocean
He plays every part
And he commands my attention

The rhythm of his voice
Feels like it’s beating in my heart
The rhythm of his voice
Feels like it’s beating in my heart

I’m in love. Swept away.

I feel the surge of his power
moving down the line
He can stop time
change a minute into an hour

There’s a wizard in motion
A wizard in motion

Gates Of The Duat -- Dream Art Science
My heart is mine in the House of Hearts
The doors of the sky are opened for me

I will go in and out
I will go here and there
At all the gates of the Duat

My heart is mine in the House of Hearts
The doors of the sky are opened for me

E.S. Posthumus
(all from Unearthed)

Nara -- E.S. Posthumus


Harappa -- E.S. Posthumus


Tikal -- E.S. Posthumus


Cuzco -- E.S. Posthumus


Ebla -- E.S. Posthumus


Pompeii -- E.S. Posthumus


Dead Can Dance

Song Of The Nile -- Dead Can Dance (Spiritchaser)


The Snake And The Moon -- Dead Can Dance (Spiritchaser)


Indus -- Dead Can Dance (Spiritchaser)


Nierika -- Dead Can Dance (Spiritchaser)


Song Of The Disposessed -- Dead Can Dance (Spiritchaser)
Awoke this morning
To find my people's tongues were tied
And in my dreams
They were given books to poison their minds

The river is deep and the mountain high
How long before the other side

We are their mortar
Their building bricks and their clay
Their gold teeth mirror
Both our joys and our pain

The river is deep and the ocean wide
Who will teach us how to read the signs

The earth is our mother
She taught us to embrace the light
Now the lord is master
She suffers an eternal night

You blocked up my ears
You plucked out my eyes
You cut out my tongue
You fed me with lies

Spider's Stratagem -- Dead Can Dance (Into The Labyrinth)


Towards The Within -- Dead Can Dance (Into The Labyrinth)


Ubiquitous Mr Lovegrove -- Dead Can Dance (Into The Labyrinth)
I love slow...slow but deep.
Feigned affections wash over me.
Dream on my dear
And renounce temporal obligations.
Dream on my dear
It's a sleep from which you may not awaken.

You raise my hopes then you raise the odds
You tell me that I dream too much
Now I'm serving time in disillusionment.

I don't believe you anymore...I don't believe you.

I thought that I knew it all
I'd seen all the signs before.
I thought that you were the one
In darkness my heart was won.

You tell me that I dream too much
Now I'm serving time in a domestic graveyard.

Never let it be said I was untrue
I never found a home inside of you.
Never let it be said I was untrue
I gave you all my time.

Cantara -- Dead Can Dance (A Passage In Time)


Fortune Presents Gifts Not According to the Book -- Dead Can Dance (A Passage In Time)
Fortune presents gifts not according to the book
Fortune presents gifts not according to the book

When you expect whistles it's flutes
When you expect flutes it's whistles

What various paths are followed in distributing honours and possessions
She gives awards to some and penitent's cloaks to others

Sometimes she robs the chief goatherd of his cottage and and goat pen
And to whomever she fancies the lamest goat has born two kids

Because in a village a poor lad has stolen one egg
He swings in the sun and another gets away with a thousand crimes

When you expect whistles it's flutes
When you expect flutes it's whistles

(ignore the poll if you didn't download)

spirituality, music sharing, egypt, music

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