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belenen April 9 2008, 22:43:28 UTC
I do think we can have mind connections, but I don't have much to say about them -- it has been a long time since I experienced one without an ethereal connection, so I don't really know how to define them. As for body connections, I really don't know. I can't see myself ever exploring a body connection without an ethereal connection, so... ? do they exist? I've no idea. I'm inclined to believe they don't. Except maybe as inherited memory.

Why? I think Earth is a spiritual school. I believe that we all lived in the spiritworld before we were born, and that we, together with Deity, planned out our lives and made all of our choices there. I think we come here to learn, in order to grow, in order to love more. We can do all of that without coming here, of course, but it takes much longer. Also, I think we come here to experience separation, so that we can fully appreciate unity. And of course there is more, if I knew all the things we come here to learn I'd have moved on, heh. But the ultimate goal is loving more -- more deeply, more fully, etc. When love is all you've ever known, of course you love. It is much harder to love here, where people hurt you. I think all humans are incredible -- we are the brave ones. I think many spirits do not choose to come here -- instead they watch and support us from the spirit world (some call them angels).

In what other ways do I worship... hmm. I think creating is a sacred act, an imitation of the Creator, so any creating is an act of worship... and singing, and dancing... and meditating. I don't do as much 'formal' worship nowadays, and I miss it. It's hard to experience it alone... there is such an amaaaaaaaaaaazing feeling worshiping in harmony with other people.

I think you may have also been asking about my 'practices'? I also pray, and send love (by which I mean an actual experience of gathering love in my heart and then 'sending' it, not really explainable), and ... spiritually commune with the earth, especially trees. it's very hard to put into words.

As for giving thanks, I try to live in a state of gratitude -- it can be hard sometimes but I've learned the trick of calling it up when I don't feel it, so it's not as hard as it used to be.

feel free to ask more questions ;-)


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