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brightlotusmoon April 9 2008, 14:42:22 UTC
I love this. I love you for this. We share the same ideas. Except mine includes polytheism. :)


belenen April 9 2008, 14:45:59 UTC
awww ♥ ♥ ♥

mine does too, sorta. I have different deities but I see them as different faces or facets of the One love ♥ like... people are the leaves, deities are the branches, and God/dess is the whole tree.


brightlotusmoon April 9 2008, 14:56:01 UTC
So you're like a soft polytheist, then. :)


belenen April 9 2008, 19:55:45 UTC
heh, I guess that works ;-)


brightlotusmoon April 9 2008, 19:59:43 UTC
I'm a mix of hard and soft. I believe that each deity is individual and separate and his or her own entity. Yet I also believe that each god and goddess connects to something bigger and to each other. I guess like humans. :)
In fact, there's a whole scene in my novel that explains this. I'm thinking about posting it.


belenen April 9 2008, 20:03:45 UTC
I thought that was a term you just randomly made up -- that's actually a commonly-used term? cool!

oooooh I hope you do post it!

the concept of the Christian trinity -- separate yet one -- is kinda how I see deities. Like, Ma'at and Jesus are not at all the same, yet they're both God/dess to me. It's so hard to explain. I'm hoping to get a post done on my deities soon. it's such a HUGE undertaking! ;-)


brightlotusmoon April 9 2008, 20:11:16 UTC

Oh, I understand completely. It's sort of like the All-One concept.

Good luck getting some pagans to agree on such topics, though! I've gotten into arguments with a few hard polytheists who couldn't understand or accept the idea of "all gods separate yet one." I appreciated their views, though; it made for some good debates.

If I decided to not post that scene, can I email it to you?


belenen April 9 2008, 20:17:34 UTC
wtf. I don't get how people can get pissy that someone doesn't agree on this stuff. It's not like it's objective -- there's no book that says "and all gods are not one" or vice versa. To try to get others to agree is like trying to write their holy book for them.

of course! I would be delighted! I want to start communicating with you more anyway (outside of LJ commentations), and get to know you better. Do you use gtalk?


brightlotusmoon April 9 2008, 20:22:41 UTC
Exactly. When I was first exploring paganism, I found that my head spun often. It seemed so contradictory, in that no three people seemed to agree on one thing (hence the popular quote, "Ask three pagans what paganism means, get six answers"). But that's what's so great about it. All these different ways of seeing the universe.

Yes, I use Gtalk. Whenever my husband is away on business, we communicate through Gtalk and AIM chat. I have a webcam, too!


belenen April 9 2008, 20:26:54 UTC
see, I very much believe that no two people believe the EXACT same thing, even if they were raised in the same church and never questioned what they were taught. Faith is intensely personal. So to me, differing answers mean that people are really questioning and finding what fits them (well, hopefully. You get the people trying to homogenize views/beliefs anytime you use a common label).

what is your gmail/gtalk handle? mine is belenen ;-)


brightlotusmoon April 9 2008, 23:05:18 UTC
You took the words right out of my mouth. :)

My handle is rosefox8. :)


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