Art Sharing #8: Simon Dale & family (sculpture)

Feb 17, 2008 01:49

Simon Dale & family

I missed last week (did you notice?) but am making up for it with an extra-inspirational art sharing this week; a living sculpture, a true home. This small family took organic, natural materials and put them together with deep respect for the earth, resulting in an unimaginably beautiful dwelling place. Seeing the natural shapes of the wood put to use (rather than chopped and shaved into sameness) fills me with delight! Everything about it -- the sod-covered roof, natural-shaped windows, loft area, reciprocal frame roof, skylight -- makes my heart sing. ♥ And I am grateful to them for being so mindful of resources and using scrap wood and glass that would otherwise have been discarded. I'm really awed.

Seeing these photos moved me so deeply that I have made a goal to have land of my own and build an organic home (I hated the idea of buying a house and being tied down, and I knew that my old dream of a giant custom house was really beyond my reach). Ben is both relieved (that I seem to be willing to settle and make the financially wise choice of owning) and doubtful (that such a dwelling would be sound and strong). I've even thought about making nice with my male bio-parent and his brother (because they build -- the uncle does it for a living). hmm. Who knows, it's still a ways off, but I could see it happening in another year or two.

the frame

building the roof

parent and baby peering in the skylight

front of the house

view from the front door, under the porch roof

looking at the front door and the west window

west window

looking down at the kitchen and west window from the loft

stairs, loft above playroom below, kitchen, west window, front door.

loft before stairs and railing / twinkle lights!

east window & living area in candlelight

east window in daylight

east window from the outside

thank you to shioneh for introducing me to this!

art -- sculpture, artistic inspiration sharing, art

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