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notashamed November 1 2007, 15:49:11 UTC
You were in my dream last night. I have a somewhat sketchy memory of what happened, but I thought i'd share it with you :)

From what I remember, I was laying down on a plane that had been parked on a tree branch, which made the plane somewhat unstable, as I'm sure you can imagine. I was there with someone --a woman I didn't know-- and we were making out. I was painfully aware the entire time about how I didn't want to be intimate with her, even though she was clearly enjoying being there with me. After a few minutes, she must have caught on to my retisense and she left me. Right after that, you and a man (who was your husband in my dream, but looked nothing like Ben) came into the room we were in (the plane was gone at this point) and the two of you decided that you were going to work with me to get rid of my sexual anxieties.

The man spent some time examining me, kind of like a doctor. Just inspecting different parts of my body and then he left to organize what he saw and for you to come in and do your work. You came in with a bowl full of this deep scarlet colored powder and you were wearing a dress and a veil-type hair piece (didn't cover your face, just went down your back) that matched the powder perfectly. I don't remember exactly what you and I talked about, but I told you all sorts of things about my past both in relation to men and sex and about things completely unrelated. The entire time, you were mixing and stirring the powder and walking around me as I was laying down. At one point, you were sitting next to me and you kissed or licked the inside of my arm, right at my wrist. I shuddered because it felt so good (almost orgasm inducing) but you took my shudder as a negative reaction-- fear or repulsion. So you used the powder as a way to try and remove that repulsion from me. I wanted to explain that I wasn't feeling repulsed, only good things, but for some reason I didn't say anything out loud.

The next thing I remember, was near a large dinner table and setting it for a big meal. As I was setting the plates and silverware, you and your 'husband' came over to explain to me what you had found out. You told me that I had been raised in a prairie near lions --I think you were talking about a former life of mine. You also mentioned something about snakes but I adamantly denied it. Not long after setting the table, I went back into the plane and flew around in an effort to avoid someone.

And that's all I remember :)


belenen November 3 2007, 10:32:57 UTC
oooooooohhh how awesome! :D :D :D I consider it a huge compliment to be dreamed about ♥

and WOW what a dream! it seems very powerful and meaningful -- what's your interpretation of it?


notashamed November 3 2007, 17:18:13 UTC
You know, I've spent all sorts of time thinking about this dream and I have a hard time understanding what it's trying to say. And for the most part, I believe that dreams don't really mean anything--it's just our unconscious mind running around while it gets the chance. But I do believe that from time to time, our dreams have a deeper meaning and that we can really get something out of them. The fact that I remember this dream so vividly really make me think there's something more to it.

Now that I've thought about it for a couple days, I think there are some themes or ideas but I'm not fully comfortable talking about them here. I will most likely make a post in my own journal (with my own filter) about the dream and what I think of it. I'll make sure that you see/read it when I post :)


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