selfportraits: rainbowarrior photos & CocoRosie song

Oct 18, 2007 04:08

A few weeks ago I was at Ben's fam's house for his/elya's birthday party, and after the festivities died down I happened to go in the garage for something and saw RAINBOWS from the glass in the garage windows -- so I took a million photos. I cannot resist rainbows -- they are still magic to me. *love sparkle glitter beauty* and also, queer pride yes! :D I need to make myself some rainbow jewelry.

The song doesn't really have to do with the photos, artistically, but it just seemed to fit so I used the lyrics as captions. ;-)

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I love people who genderfuck. :D Refusing to be confined to the dress/behaviors that culture assigns to your sex is incredibly attractive to me.

of all the white horses...
In these times of evil spirits
Of material thugs and mischief
Fear Saint Noni's wisdom
And his love for rainbow spirits
Jealous of their faithful heart-bond
And their dancing and their laughing
Made at last a league against them
To molest them and destroy them
Saint Noni wise and heart-strong
Often said to Rainbowarrior
"O my brother do not leave me!
Lest the evil spirits harm you!"

Rainbowarrior of two spirits

Gentle hand and lion-hearted

He laughed and then he answered

Like a child he softly whispered

We are rainbowarriors

Evil come not near

Rainbow love awaits us

With hearts of love and tears

He's dead our sweetest mother / Loving father and our teacher

He's gone from us forever / He has moved a little nearer

To the master of all laughter

To the master of all song

O my brother, O my brother

Crystal brother of two spirits

Then we gathered in a circle

Stood round the rainbow fire

Burning embers, hearts united

We remembered mystical beauty

If you look hard you can find a

Rainbow trail it's deep inside you

Fear not you're a rainbowarrior

Golden light on everything gleaming

colors, self-portraits, photos, spirituality, art -- photography, music

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