photos from the trip w/ biofamily -- portraits of mom

Sep 08, 2007 06:47

(it took a LOT of coaxing to get her to let me photograph her sans makeup,
but I'm so glad I argued her into it because no-makeup photos are my favorite)

deep gaze
my mom has much pain, past and present... I'm really looking forward to the day when it's all past.
This photo is almost painful for me to look at because I can see all the suffering in her eyes.

but she's still hopeful ♥ (she's wearing earrings I made yay!)


sasseh ladeh

glance askance


laughter! (I ADORE this one)

Before the last two photos, I told her to tell me a story, so she made up a random one
about monkeys in a jungle, and she was distracted enough from the fact that
there was a camera in front of her to let her real self shine through. :D
She used to make up stories for me all the time when I was a little kid ;-)

pat, photos, art -- photography, biofamily

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