Hannah's visit: August 10th, 2006 -- coffeehouse photos / silliness / visit 2007!

Jun 15, 2007 01:06

It's times like this, when Hannah has posted something sooooooo incredible, that I wish that 1) she had a public journal or 2) all of you were mutual friends with her. *sigh* She hasn't even logged on today so I could ask her if I could quote her! *grr!* Anyway, she wrote about her thoughts/feelings on openness, honesty, and soulfriendship, and how our soulfriendship has changed her life. It was deeply inspiring and thrilling to read. ♥ (hopefully she'll let me share some quotes)

for now, I'll share some photos from the first visit (tryin' to get caught up before the new ones in FIVE DAYS MY FRIENDS!!!)

bel and hannah on the famous green couch

ohhh we're so pretty! ;-)

I love hannah's smile


I love the shape we make with the couch

it's so fun to be US!

boobie-sticking-out contest

more boobie wars

I'm going to get you with my boobs

apparently I'm enjoying being boobie-squished!

now we turn our sights on the cameraman
(one of Hannah's terms of endearment for me is 'bel-boobs' (which makes me giggle everytime) and NO, you're not allowed to use it!)

hannah has no idea what her boobs are doing (LOVE her expression!)

I love my hips here

(pah, these pics make me wish my hair would grow faster :-( I think that cut was my absolute favorite ever, and I reeeeeeally want to get it again, maybe with bangs.)

We're both such analytical, philosophical types that I think most people don't have any idea of the utter silliness we create together. And the crudity! We're not above poopy jokes. Ben and Hannah tricked me into naming a pile of photos 'burny bumhole' (because I thought it was just going to be the folder) and as I watched with horror, imagining the work of individually renaming EACH ONE (I'd never had an occasion to rename multiple things, so didn't know it was possible), they doubled over with laughter. 'Burny bumhole' was a phrase oft repeated after that -- oh, and it came from Hannah's insane addiction to jalapeños. *shakes head*

When she's here this time, we'll have more time (last time she was here for 17 days, this time she's here for 51, exactly THREE TIMES the length of time!) so I'm hoping we can manage to post fairly often, if just to reduce the amount of photos we'll have to go through later (simple math says 18,000 photos, but I have become much more of a shutterbug since then, oh dear). ;-) and we will take more videos this time! and ones with clothes on so we can share them! Being nudists, that will be a sacrifice but it is one we are willing to make :D We already have plans to do a dancing one together, to share in our LJs and on curvygirls. ;-)

hannah, lj friends, photos, hannah -- visiting 2006 (home)

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