Kat's visit: May 4 & 5 (photoshoot, haircut, coffeehouse, Renaissance Festival, and Cinco de Mayo)

May 12, 2007 07:30

first, isn't my icon just completely utterly beyond adorable? :D :D :D

Thursday we did a nude photoshoot! I dragged several of the lamps into the bedroom and set up my tripod and made my first attempt at artistic nudes of someone else! Very exciting. I wish I had used a different backdrop, because after looking at them full-screen, I realize that that one is just wayyyyy too busy. But I still got some shots that I think are incredible. I really want to get actual lighting equipment and a studio... I'm so glad she agreed to model for me! :D Thanks Kat! ♥

Sacred Light

After the shoot I went out to get my hair cut. I was all excited because I just KNEW that the cut I had in mind was going to look absolutely fantastic on me. So I went in, waited around for the lady I wanted, and then when she finally came up, I showed her what I wanted (found a pic in a book) and she palmed me off on the lady who had given me a completely shitty haircut last time. But I thought, hey, maybe I just didn't explain it well last time, and how can she go wrong with a photo of what I want right in front of her? >:-( She lopped ALL MY HAIR OFF, about 3-4 inches shorter than the photo, and brought the cowlick of doom back to life! I was so furious I couldn't speak, could hardly think. Which is why I didn't think to refuse to pay, which is what I should have done. At least I didn't tip her. I seriously think she hated me (because I made her re-cut it last time, and then made it clear that I did NOT want her this time) and gave me a bad cut on purpose. Evil, evil lady.

my somewhat disastrous haircut

But except for the horridly stubborn cowlick (which I have to pin down because no mere glopping of gel will work), I've decided to like the cut now. The bangs at least are okay, and I like my dykey look, heh. I forgive you, evil haircutting lady. Go and commit hair-sins no more.

That night we went to the coffeehouse -- sadly there were people on my green couch (both times we went!) and so we sat in the front. I totally forget what we talked about, but I remember it was very interesting!

Kat lounging at the coffeehouse

Bel lounging at the coffeehouse

my partner at the coffeehouse

Then Saturday we went to the Renaissance festival!!! yay! I loooooove going, I love the magical feel of it all and especially the beautiful glass exhibits ♥ I found a Ma'at figurine that was of much higher quality than any I have found, so I just had to have it for my sanctuary. I loved that stall and wish I had taken photos of the amazing goddess statues and mermaids and Egyptian figurines, all wonderful.

We watched an acrobatic show, which was fantastic -- and I looooved watching the woman especially, she was so amazingly fit and curvy! They were quite funny and seemed to be having a blast.

and I had to take a million glass photos...

glass.... ohhh wonder

beautiful glass!

I'm quite pleased with myself for this shot ♥

magic ;-)

delicate beauty

swirl swirl rainbow alive

and had to also take photos of beautiful Kat! in the lovely little alleyway we found.

beautiful firekat!

Kat smiles

my partner takes photos with Kat's camera


haha, I SO have to find the shot where we did that about 4 years ago, with the same board ;-)


and then I found the MOST AMAZING SKIRT EVER and my partner saw the look on my face and declared that we had to buy it. :D I changed into it before the receipt even printed! I love it so so so so so so so so soooooooooooooooooooo MUCH OMG LOVE!!!!!

me in my AMAZING SKIRT getting kisses from Kat!

me in my AMAZING SKIRT giving kisses to happy Kat!

me in my AMAZING SKIRT and my AMAZING purse, doing the kickback pose with Kat (not very well on my part!)

Kat gave me an AMAZING purse which is totally perfect for carrying my camera about in! It is EXACTLY the right size, EXACTLY the right shade, and it is even padded for extra protection! camera, cell, keys, and cards all fit nicely. I've never been so excited about a purse! it couldn't be more perfect if I designed it. The strap is even the perfect length! Unfortunately it doesn't photograph correctly -- it comes out as blue when it is quite violet.

And to wrap up the day, we went to my favorite mexican restaurant because after all, it was Cinco de Mayo! (as if I need an excuse to go there) Sadly, the waiter (a really great guy who often serves us) was quite set on doing his job and stopped us sharing the margarita because Kat didn't have her ID, but we snuck her half of it anyway.

I am the queen of headscarf wrapping! Now if I can only remember how to do that style...

sharing a margarita! Only when the waiter's back was turned. :-p

dayum! one Kat-visit post still to come!

b - ex-partner, lj friends, glass, photos, art -- photography, firekat, clothesfree, hair

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