The Bad: Mom took lil sis and moved back to PA. *frustration* I could go on and on about that... :-(
The Strange: Ashley left a bag on the front door with the CDs she had borrowed (which I was glad to get back), the curvy goddess-shaped rock Hannah had given her, and the pieces of the anklet I had made her. I can understand not wanting it around and giving it back, but taking it apart first? wtf? (and it was corded so it didn't simply break) *shakes head* whatevah whatevah.
The Good! Mom loaned me some money (her pay from her part-time job, I was soooo touched) and we went ahead and got the car fixed *whew!* Now we just have to get the tag/title yearly fee taken care of and we will have a healthy, legal car for the first time in MONTHS. You've no idea how much of a relief that is. Right now we have another possibility for improving our finances, but I'm not going to get too excited until it actually happens. Also I applied at a coffeehouse down the road and I REALLY want the job. If not there of course I'll be getting a job elsewhere, but there would be just perfect. When I filled out the application they asked questions like "how much do you like to listen to other people's problems?" and "when you see a small mistake, do you feel compelled to correct it?" and judging by that and the atmosphere in the shops I've frequented, they're looking for open, friendly, relaxed people. The workers there always seem sooo relaxed and cheerful, and I'd just LOVE to be working in an environment like that, surrounded by COFFEE SMELLS. mmmmmmmmmm. And I would be so fucking PERFECT for it. After I put in the application online, I went in the next day and spoke to the manager about setting up an interview, but he hadn't looked at the applications yet. It's been a week so hopefully I'll get a call tomorrow! if not I think I'll call. I don't want to be pushy but I don't want to regret not going after it. *eeek*
also I've been in a very phototaking mood, so a giant photopost will probably come soon. I took soooooo many amazing photos of Ben, because he was in a generous mood and not camera-shy for once. But I have to convince him to let me share them *hopes* For now I'll just share a few photos of other subjects:
spring in GA = plant orgies leaving plantly sex powder everywhere
gorgeous black oak
my favorite kind of tree ♥ tell me what kind it is and I'll kiss you.
love the different greens
such intense color!
we went driving and I couldn't stop snapping photos because all the beautiful green had me just giddy ♥
motion blllllur oh the GREEEEEN
wood violets (yellow patterning thanks to the rain rearranging the pollen)
the bridge in my parents-in-law's backyard
on the bridge looking over the right side at the creek
on the bridge looking over the left side at the lush greenery ♥
on the bridge looking up
I've decided that I like how my eyelashes are half-blonde. ;-) my eyes look so naked.
yes I'm sweaty. it was like 80 degrees (27 C)
Thank you so incredibly much, everyone who has lovingly commented/prayed/sent positive energy/thoughts ♥ ♥ ♥ Thank you so so much. You help more than I can ever express or even understand.
also, AMAZING news: FIREKAT IS COMING TO VISIT MEEEEEEEE!!!!! She bought the tickets and I'm going to see her face to face for the first time on May 2nd!!! OMFG!!!