conversations! with kit-kat, hannah, kate, & 'kenzie

Dec 18, 2006 11:15

A few days ago I also got a chance to talk to my kit-kat (kmiotutsie) for the first time on the phone! that was pretty incredible, especially since I was feeling SO terrible and she's got this matter-of-fact way of validating my feelings. I probably was barely coherent, I was so crushed and confused at that point... but she didn't get impatient with me and seemed to understand and even relate to a lot of it. She's so fabulous. We talked for over an hour! Which is unusual for me on the phone (gtalk is different) -- I usually get impatient, I don't like having my hands tied up holding the phone. But it was just so good to be able to pour out my heart to someone. And she has the most wonderful voice! like a perfect balance between deep and light, it suits her SO perfectly.

and then Friday night I had a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong conversation with shmee_ -- over 8 hours! I'm pretty sure that is the longest phone conversation I've ever had -- thank God/dess for gtalk making it free! Afterwards I felt so much lighter and more free, inspired and more able to believe in the beauty of life. One of the things we like to do while talking is surf devArt and send links to each other of what we find inspiring, and talk back and forth about what appeals to us about a piece. It's soooo fun to me, because when it comes to art, we speak exactly the same dialect. I feel like I appreciate a work more when I can articulate it, and it's only fun to articulate it to someone who understands. ♥ (If you have an account, be sure to check out my favorites because they're incredible!) We also talked a lot about our experiences together when she was here, and fiiiiiiiiiiinally processed it a little bit. I think that's part of why I feel so relieved -- I had some things floating in my subconscious and I needed to talk to her to really understand them. I told her that talking to her always lifted my spirits, even if she was in low spirits herself, and she asked why, which made me think. I realized that some people drain me, and some energize me, just by how they align (or disalign) with my being. With Hannah, our spirits are so alike that we reflect each other's energy, and it seems to just bounce back and forth between us and get magnified.

also talked to kate (clown_frog)! for the first time also, on gtalk! That was fantastic too -- I've 'known' her for over 2 years now and we've had lots of conversation, but never in real time. Next time I hope we can talk out loud, I'm so curious as to what she sounds like! It was lovely to connect in a new way.

and I've been talking to 'kenzie (sunshinepill) a lot! Which is also great because she had some insights to share with me that were really comforting, and she's just a fun person to talk to. Talking about culture, relationships, sexuality -- all fascinating to me.

If you have google talk, gimmie your screenname since I have apparently come out of my non-IMing shell. ;-) I dislike all the other messengers though.

kate, hannah, lj friends, spirit connections, firekat, those passing through

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