YAY! I have some presents done!
maladroitkat -- present already given!
jedibubbles -- present complete & wrapped!
alariya -- b-day present finished and wrapped, christmas present mostly-ready.
aubkabob -- present complete & wrapped & packed to ship!
eternitywaiting -- present complete & wrapped & packed to ship!
-- but listen up, you two -- if you can't wait until at least Christmas Eve to unwrap them, then I'm not sending them until the last minute, and THEN it might be late! So do I have your word that you'll wait?
notashamed -- present complete & wrapped & packed to ship!
ohsaycanyousay -- present wrapped, waiting to be packed to ship.
my eviltwin -- presents bought & wrapped!
shmee_ -- present begun (it's a project!)
boobiequeen -- present bought!
misemifein2 -- present bought and on its way to me to be wrapped and sent! I miss Kate so terribly much! She better get internet next semester!
sunshinepill -- half of present bought.
Rebecca -- nothing yet.
elya -- half-done!
and I have the perfect idea for
valynn, but no one seems to be selling it! arrrggh!
Yet to get:
invisibleglue, & the other half of
sunshinepill's present.
Still to figure out what to get! You guys are hard!:
presents for
kmiotutsie, &
darkpool! Please give me ideas!
If I was rich I'd get presents for all of you. You all have my love!