Recent favourites

Aug 04, 2009 17:54

I think I'm just trying to escape from working...

This is one of my favourite YouTube clips.  Thanks to SBC's member, this hilarious interview was uploaded.  I remember that same interviewer gave a love letter to Keanu for "The Lake House" interview.  
"The Proposal" has been a huuuge hit for Sandy and I'm very very happy for her.  She needed a big hit I think.

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Now, this is not a favourite, but might as well...  The reporter is very annoying I think.  "All About Steve" may not be released in Japan...

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And lastly, a trailer debut of "The Blind Side"... I still like dark hair for Sandy, but this movie looks good.  Again, it probably won't be released in Japan.  Darn it!

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sandra bullock, movies

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