My First Keanu Experience To Be...

Dec 13, 2008 11:19

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The above is Keanu on David Letterman to promote The Day The Earth Stood Still.  Letteman was probably one of the very few people who didn't know the meaning of his name.  I mean, how many times does he have to explain that?

Now, Keanu is coming to Tokyo next week for promotion.  He'll have a press conference on 17th, Japan Premiere on 18th, both in Tokyo, then a smaller redcarpet event in Nishinomiya (western area of Japan) on 19th.  I couldn't win the ticket for the redcarpet on 18th, but I won for the movie right after the redcarpet!

Well, I actully bought the tickets, but it was a really tough competition.  The online ticket sales started at midnight on 13th, and when I accessed the site, I was put on the waiting list and my number was like, 1885!   I thought, "Okay, I'm never gonna get the tickets."  I was allowed to the site after 15 minutes, then of course, a few tickets left by that time were sold out very quickly.  It was good that I didn't leave the site immediately.  I kind of stayed there for a while, renewed the site, then realized a couple seats here, and a couple there popped up.  I guess there were people who cancelled the tickets.  Anyway, after a half an hour, I finally could reserve two tickets!  I couldn't believe when I was led to the page where I should give my credit card number.  I did it!

So, it'll be my first live experience with Keanu, even for only a short time (like less than 10 minutes).  Now I wish he'd come alone so that the brief interview on stage would have been only with him, but there will be Jennifer and the director, and probably Will Smith's kid.

Anyway, now I have to work really hard  so that I won't have to work on 18th. 

movies, japan, keanu reeves

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