Story telling night

Jun 05, 2007 23:03

So Seb and I have been trying to tell each other stories when we come up with them. Here's my latest story (it works better as an oral story).

“So, I’ve been all around. Seen lots of crazy things, done even more. I’ve heard and told my share of tales. Now good stories come and go like anything, but on occasion they stick with ya like some unwanted baggage from an ol’ lover. Take a story from some time I’ve long since forgotten.”

“I’d just left the mountains to the east, travel weary with a rather bitter growl complaining from my stomach. I was rather relived when I came across a small little upstart of a town, even more relived when I found that town had a nice cozy tavern. Now a days the odds o’ finding a tavern like that are slim out in the countryside and damn near impossible the closer ya get to the bustle of civilization. If you’ve ever seen the type you’d know; warm beds, cold drinks, and women who’re a little o’ both.”

“The night was going well. I had myself a couple o’ both kinds of drinks, if ya get my meaning, and was looking to get myself a couple more, when an ol’ haggard fellow limps into the place. I’m assuming you’ve his kind before; he’d seen more winters than most and each one he’d seen had beaten him down like some kind o’ savage beast. I’d of sworn that one nice strong wind from the north would’ve made the ol’ geezer keel over.”

“Now Lady Luck had been faring well for me. The trick ya see to getting the Lady to smile upon you is to take things as they come and never ta keep your fortunes to yourself. So, I took some coins I was pocketing and offered ‘em to the ol’ man. It threw me a bit off my game when the man pleasantly dismissed my offering.”

“ “Son, I thank ye for yer considerations, but I’m getting on in my years and money ain’t getting me what I’m after. Ya see I’ve been searching for my meaning and purpose and reckon by this point it ain’t to be more than a poor ol’ beggar looking for the right story. I know deep in my heart there must be a story that’ll make it all make sense, but I’ve been searching for too many years and don’t think I have many more left to hear it.” He said to me.”

“I have many redeeming traits, and some not so, one of em is my natural inquisitive nature. So I says to him. “I know of many a tale, some of which haven’t been spun since a time beyond most’s recollection. I’d be more than happy to tell ‘em to any with an open ear, but I’d first like to be humored as to what it is your looking for.””

“The ol’ man goes on to tell me of his past. Getting told all manner of legends and fables from his ol’ man, sparked a desire in ‘em to hear more. He traveled all around gathering stories from all walks of life, hoping to hear the story that’d make them all make sense. Like most he was searching for a purpose behind his travels and interests. He told me of times where he nearly gave up on his search, but always events would happen to keep him in pursuit.”

“As the ol’ beggar was retelling his life, I found the need to interject some of my light to the matter. “Well I can tell ya one of my many o’ tales, but none will help ya in your search. It seems to me ya found what you’ve been seeking. Your story is what ya seek. You are the story. Nothing I can tell ya can compete with your own tale.””

“Now in my line of business you get accustomed to seeing change in people. The moment where a journey ends and it all makes sense. Years drop from the frame and the eyes, the place where age is really kept, begin to shine like some magnificent glimmer of an angel’s wing. The ol’ man got up, nodded to me in appreciation, and left the bar with a skip to his step.”

“I’ve never heard from the ol’ man again. That’s not to say I’ve never heard the ol’ mans tale before. I mean who hasn’t. Just figured I’d provide a new perspective to an ol’ tale.”
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