Facial Hair Roulette

Jan 20, 2006 00:14

Facial Hair Roulette
Things to do in Fresno to your Head.

I’ve decided that, starting next Monday, I’m going to begin a round of Facial Hair Roulette. That’s right, I’m going to go through (almost) every facial hair style that I can think of. Why? Because I don’t have anything else to do, plus I think it would be amusing…provided I don’t get yelled at at work.

I normally go clean-shaven, but right now I’m sporting the goatee, so that will be step one. After that, the plan is as follows:

2. Fu Manchu/Long Mustache - think Paul Teutel, Sr. but not extending down the neck
3. Copstache - or more accurately on me: White Trashstache
4. Pencil-Thin Mustache - the Boston Blackie Kind

Shave and regrow.

5. Bottom half goatee - Goatee with the mustache shaved off…one of my coworkers has this, so it’ll be funny in the office.
6. Chin beard - Shaggy from Scooby Doo, anyone?
7. Chin strip - Why not?
8. Soul Patch - Groovy, can I get some snaps?

After that, I’m looking for any other suggestions. NOTE: No Hitler mustache, lamb chops, or neck beards allowed. I’ll post pictures if I can find some webspace that I can control.

I need a hobby.

Or a girlfriend.
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