1. The planet I’m thinking of is real, and has unique atmospheric effects.
2. The people there have evolved in a certain, familiar way.
3. They have a rich history which has molded their society.
4. They have religions that have evolved to a principle sect, which dominates social and political life.
5. There are people involved in creating and resisting change, with their own stories.
6. One day, I will have written this novel that is growing in my head.
*Toast pops*
1. Justice and truth will prevail in my country.
2. Laws and rulings by those in authority will make sense.
3. Faith will truly be used to spread peace rather than discord.
4. People will see how their leader is poisoning what their party stands for.
5. They will think through what hey hear before repeating it.
6. I won’t have to hear from them when they parrot it anyway.
*Pours coffee*
1. I’ll get a handle on the ever-shifting nature of reality.
2. I will understand the motives of inanimate objects.
3. I will get the damn things to respect me.
4. I’ll finally get this “time management” thing under control.
5. I’ll have a productive and satisfying day.
6. I will be worthy of this.
*”Yay, waffles!”*
“Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”
-- the Queen, in “Through the Looking Glass” by Lewis Carroll
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Entry for LJ Idol: Season Eleven, Week 4; Topic:
“Impossible.” Feed your head.