This weekend ushers in autumn, which has become a fun time of year, with holidays running from Talk Like a Pirate Day yesterday all the way up to those winter festivities. Historically, it's harvest, when people celebrate all the year's hard work paying off. But as the leaves fall, we are reminded of mortality and endings and for some it takes an effort to stay a step ahead of the sadness.
Whichever way this applies to you, here's a light to guide your way.
Inspired by the candle stands at
LifeJourney Church, Indianapolis, I again present my monthly poll. As usual, I'll be bringing the list to church Sunday (as I keep noting, this isn't just a Christian thing, candles for prayer or meditation are used in practically all faiths). Newcomers can look down the "prayer candles" tag to see the origin of this.
Poll September 2013 Candlepoll The candles at my church are in various-colored votive holders. If you have a color preference, you can note it, as well as any other details (optional) in comments (comments screened and not unscreened without explicit permission).