Jul 17, 2012 22:10
Earlier this month, I had my annual performance review at work. Basically it boiled down to, "do what you've been doing -- but do more of it." (Mostly positive, overall)
And in spite of being in a troubled industry in a bad economy, I got a small raise.
I recently remembered something I've heard/read from different sources, that the federal government's budgeting has increases automatically built in. So, often when you hear of "budget cuts" it's actually a decrease in the increase. I've seen it noted that if Congress just froze the budget as-is -- spend in 2013 what you spent in 2012, and so forth -- for a few years, the infamous federal deficit would eventually disappear.
Heck, I'll cut Uncle Sam some slack. I must live for the next year on a one-percent raise. Can Congress?