Looking for some good news

Jun 21, 2006 12:26

Cable TV is out -- which is never good when one lives with the TV-addicted. But then again, as long as the DVD works we've got stuff to watch =)
Brighthouse will be out tomorrow to do the fixy thing (I hope)

Kinda depressing, hearing about how LJ is going to self-destruct in a misguided attempt to become MySpace (why a web service would want to make itself worse and take on the numerous problems and PR nightmares of appealing to children and teens is beyond me -- must be envy at the sheer number of sheep who don't mind being datamined by megacorps over at MS). While some are fighting the changes, I suspect the best approach will be to listen to REO and roll with them.  Since my account is paid through the end of the year, I'll largely take the wait and see attitude. New projects may require me shopping around, tho.
Big ups to
davidkevin for this post, which links to this post.

Anyway, in the meantime you can try to
...or not  =)
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