Nov 03, 2008 21:10
So. I need a new alarm clock. I cannot stand anything that ticks when I'm trying to go to sleep. It *really* irritates me. In fact, if I'm just around, I cannot have anything ticking or else it drives me nuts. When I got here, there was a ticky clock left from the prior JET. I used it for about 2 or 3 weeks before I got tired of its incessant ticking. Since then, I have used an alarm program for my computer. It has worked supremely well up until now. Until now, that is, because I have just moved my laptop from my bedroom to the desk in the other room in an attempt to fix my posture and free up a wall outlet for a heater. So, unless I want to shuffle my laptop back and forth between rooms every night, I need to come up with a new method of waking myself. Tomorrow, I shall go on a trek to find an alarm clock, among other things. Will I be successful? Only the Shadow knows.