
Jun 12, 2007 10:05

So I have been doing some fishing at my parents ranch over the past two weekends. It has been a fun time. Two weekends ago I rescued an old aluminum boat that had been shot up. It was across the lake so I had to paddle it back across the lake, holes and all. It didn't take on too much water in the process.

This past weekend I filled all of the holes with JB Weld (marine formula.) It was a little runny at first but when it thickened enough it worked quite well.

The fishing was a little slow this past weekend but I managed to land a BIG 11 pound Channel Cat on a Zebco 33 combo rig. I think it had a 6 pound line on it. O_O

To date we had around 12 fawns born in the holding pins and we estimate 2 to 4 on the range. Here is one in the pin.

Two weekends ago I caught 11 nice sized bass from a pound to around four pounds. Here is one of the Bass.

My brother caught a big Crappie as well.

While I was fishing from the bank on the back side of the lake I heard some rustling in the leaves and turned around to see one of the two year old bucks had walked within 20 feet of me. I guess he was hoping for a handout of corn.

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