So, a bunch of 1,000, decided to protest at a Mormon temple in Los Angeles because we helped fund a ballot measure banning gay marriage. It was voted on. California is not 52% Mormon. Frankly, of all the religions that backed Prop 8, the Mormon church is probably the most gay-friendly from a doctrinal standpoint. Why aren't they protesting other churches, like the Catholic Diocese in LA?? Well, because they think that no other Christians will care if they go after the Mormons because polls show most other Christians like gays about equal to Mormons so they felt this was a-ok.
Now, I have a TON of compassion for anyone who feels that they MUST have the label of "marriage" to say they are married or feel legitimate some how, regardless of sexual preference. I truly understand the anger that is there for feeling that you can't change who you are, yet people think you should. The fact is that, even during ancient times when some homosexual practices were acceptable, the image of the flamboyant gay man has never been accepted by any society. Ever. In all of history. So, I think gay folks need to simmer down and realize that social change takes time and that accomplishing complete acceptance of their lifestyle is asking a bit much for a 30 year period of time. I know there is anger there and I wish that there wasn't.
Here's the deal: not everyone is cool with gay people. Of the people that are cool with gay people, not all of them are cool with gay marriage. Of the people that are cool with gay people and gay marriage, not all of them are cool with gay pledge cards and that ilk in the public school system. Non-acceptance of gay people IS NOT the same as racism. A gay person is more than able to hide their sexuality if they choose to. A person of color is rarely able to hide that fact. Gayness is a matter of sexual preference. Personally, I'm a bit of a prude (no, seriously, I am) and I'm not big on public displays of affection and what goes on in my bedroom stays there. An open public discussion of gay anything, especially in front of children, is generally not something I'm comfortable with. The furthest I'm willing to go is to say that sometimes men love each other. That's it. So, when you throw gigantic Gay Pride parades with light up penis antennae on your heads, it's hard for anyone to believe you have respect for yourselves, not to mention for marriage. I respect your right to do this, I'm just saying it's a stretch to think you're getting taken seriously afterwards.
Another thing that makes people think you have mental problems/instability/generally immature/etc is WHEN YOU SCALE THE WALLS OF SACRED, PRIVATE PROPERTY WHILE SAYING YOU'RE GOING TO BURN DOWN A MORMON HOLY SITE. That's right, that isn't "just a church", it is a holy site!!! I think if Mormons were threatening to set your light-up penis parade floats on fire, then maybe you'd be more justified. But the fact is, the citizenry of California is not ready for gay marriage. If you think desecrating the Los Angeles Temple or threatening to burn it down or saying we shouldn't be allowed to raise our children with our religion is going to turn the tide your way, you are very wrong.
Mormons in general have been rather divided on the gay marriage issue. You just essentially attacked us for only half-assedly defending our religious beliefs. I'm thinking the next time this comes up for a vote, ALL the CA Mormons are going to remember your lack of respect for their holy temple and perhaps just not care anymore about your rights either. Believe it or not, we Mormons have a long history of being persecuted, and it was a heck of a lot worse than having the same rights as everyone else without the label. You're not oppressed. Get a life!
Unfortunately, anger is a two-way street. What's funny is that chances are it is a minority of Mormons who will actually express anger in this situation. Mostly, it will just be sadness. Luckily for all my readers, I've always been a Mormon in the minority. I vote either Democrat or Libertarian, depending on what part of my life we are discussing, but never Republican (so far anyways). I wear pants to church, most the ladies do not. And I'm totally ticked off about idiots scampering around the temple grounds threatening to set it on fire. (Of course, I know that wouldn't have worked cuz the temples are built to be rather indestructable, but still. It's the thought that counts!)
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