European Dialogue on Modernization: Last Chance to Reform Belarus?

May 11, 2012 13:22

Originally published at Belarus Digest. Please leave any comments there.

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenka highlighted the need to modernise  Belarusian economy in his annual speech for the national Parliament on 8 May. These words coincide with an goal of a new EU project "Dialogue on Modernization for Belarus". But the two sides see the process of modernization quite differently. Minsk wants to avoid any political reforms while the EU is ready to provide financial assistance only after the release of all political prisoners.

Despite Lukashenka's bravura rhetoric, reforms in Belarus are inevitable as the country will be forced to become a WTO member soon. Moreover, Russia guaranteed Belarus beneficial oil and gas supplies only for the next 3-4 years. It means that the country may have the last change to conduct necessary reforms before another deep crisis hits its Soviet-style economy in 2015-2016.

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reforms in belarus, dcfta, gp, eurasian integration, eastern partnership, schengen visas, belarus-russia relations, dialogue for modernization, belarus-eu relations, oil and gas, economy

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