riding along

Jan 01, 2006 21:06

Woke up about 9.30am which was blissful relief after some early mornings. After a bite to eat we decided to take my lovely bike out for a ride. I hadn't quite got around to riding "Beauty" on the roads yet because I was still feeling very nervous about the way she handles.

It was a shaky start so we rode up to the netball courts to play around first. Hubby got me standing up, turning, avoiding debris, looking back and generally getting a feel for the bike and after about 20 minutes I was feeling confident enough to ride properly.

We rode along Boundary Road, White Street, Nepean Hwy and home via Centre Dandenong Road which was a pleasant ride even though there was a lot of wind. I'm feeling very confident about my ability to ride further next time which should be tomorrow. Beauty rides like a dream and so much faster than the Beast which doesn't come as any surprise.

Time: 1:07:57
Average speed: 18.3 km/h (including the time spent in the car park)
Distance: 26.70km
Max speed: 37.4 km/h
Calories burnt = 682/45%
Average heart rate = 142

We are doing Amy's Ride on the 7th which is 45km and I am really excited about it. I am feeling like a real roadie now. Where's the coffee?


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