Excellent news from a flister reminded me to saunter back to LJ (mutual flisters will know who/what I mean - still bouncing with excitement here!). I've been around reading a bit lately, but not commenting, sorry about that.
lost_spook HAS WRITTEN ME
ZAF/CHARLEY FIC. In which there is Zaf, and Charley, and awesomeness like this:
“Not that I want to be ungrateful,” said Zaf as he and Charley threw themselves down behind a low wall, alien laser fire shooting over their heads. “I’m just thinking I might have been better off where I was. How many times have you nearly killed us both already?”
Meanwhile, I've been noticing a flurry of kudos on my Spooks fics at AO3, which was puzzling until I realised it was either to do with people developing such huge crushes on Dwarf!Richard Armitage that they have to research everything else he's ever been in ever, or
this incredibly popular Skyfall/Spooks apocalypse fic, which I've only just started reading but is already pretty great.
To Q's utter horror and disgust the world ends a few minutes before five on a Friday afternoon. He survives. Trapped in Vauxhall Cross with M and Eve, Q has no idea what's happening in the world (or to James). Eventually they get in to contact with Section D of MI5 and together they make their way out in to whats left of the world.
I think my residual affection for Connie James is colouring my feelings for
The Americans. Again I've only seen the pilot, but it was surprisingly solid and the acting good enough to get past my reluctance to sympathise with infeasibly goodlooking people.
That concludes today's recs; over and out.