I can't believe I haven't posted about this already, but guess what, I have a Yuletide Fairy! Some mysterious anonymous person is writing me a story with
mermaids and banjos*, and it's only July. This means I get to use my yuletide tag four months early. I know, you're all super jealous of me now, right? Unless one of you is said anonymous party... *raised eyebrow*
(*potential mermaids and banjos - Yuletide Fairy may amend at discretion)
Because it's July and I've forgotten how to write, I'm raiding
lost_spook's journal for prompt memes:
I've got a list of 10 of my favourite pairings (/friends/enemies/housemates). All you need to do is give me a number (1-10) and a mundane household chore, like folding laundry or doing dishes, and I'll write a snippet and explain how the task would go, in-character for that pairing and universe.
This one sounds particularly interesting so please do play! Meanwhile, HELLO, HOW ARE YOU.