wow, lj has made a useful improvement which didn't break other useful things
Mar 18, 2012 15:29
I might as well call this a permanent semi-hiatus. At least that way when I appear every month or so and spam my flist with comments, it will look less like I am a month late for the party and more like a tactical deployment of resources.
I can but hope.
(I should specify, for those of you who've asked, that the things making me hiatus-y are pretty agreeable things. I wouldn't mind a bit more sleep but otherwise, life is good.)
Um, I have very little in the way of other news. I'm weeks behind on Being Human and [I really want to try out this new lj-spoiler html]the last episode I saw really wasn't very good. This made me sad and I stopped watching in case it didn't get better. Please tell me it gets better? The last one I saw was the one with Ghost!Austin Powers Kirby, who was so obviously evil from the get-go, and then when Tom and Hal finally figured out he was evil they just shrugged sadly and gave up and left him alone with Annie and the baby, I mean what the hell, boys, if you want to win my affections you are going about it the wrong way. I already loved Tom, so while he's safe in my heart I'm a bit confused by his priorities. Hal I was still on the fence about - he is going to have to do something seriously amazing for me to like him again.
Speaking of Being Human, oceloty has been having some thinky thoughts about series 1 which you should check out. As well as the fun of taking a trip down memory lane, she also got right to the heart of some of my problems with the vampires (She hasn't seen series 4 but [yes ok I clearly love using this new html]I think it's especially true of the new lot, who haven't managed to frighten me at all yet.)
After months of patient groundwork, lost_spook has finally got me watching Sapphire and Steel. I've only seen Assignment 1 so far and it is as bizarre and mysterious as promised. I really liked the conclusion to Assignment 1, but I really did not like Lead. His crazy laugh went beyond the bizarre and mysterious precipice and over into the lands of downright weird and creepy. lost_spook, do I have to see him again before I get to meet Silver? (as this whole part of my post might as well be a comment to you. Anyone else still reading at this point - I can do no better explaining than this fabulous Sapphire and Steel introductory post. Then, you should read lost_spook's hilarious and oddly believable Silver/Tenth Doctor fic.)