At long last!
16. Favourite actress?
17. Least favourite episode?
There have been a few rubbish ones, but I think 9.08 wins hands down.
18. Most interesting plot?
The Sugarhorse plot in series 7 certainly held my interest - not entirely in a good way, but the bits that weren't good were still interesting. On an episode basis, I really liked the idea of that industrial espionage one in series 9, can't remember the number, you know the one with Beth and her Chinese agent, and Tariq and Dimitri defusing a bomb, and Ruth kicking arse. Ohhhhh, and the Diana plot in 4.10, of course.
19. Least interesting plot?
I was so very uninterested in the Ana/Adam plot in series 6.
20. Plot that should have been developed/carried on? Um, nearly all of them? I am going to use this space to non-spoilerily talk about the series 3 finale of Being Human, because wow, that is how to develop what could have been one finale's throwaway cliffhanger all the way to the next finale's inevitable consequences.
21. An episode that made you cry?
I don't know if I've ever actually cried, but I remember being gutted at 4.10.
22. Favourite actor?
It's a tie, no doubt because of their names, between Hugh Simon and Hugh Laurie.
23. Favourite personal interaction between characters?
Oh, this is a nice question! Putting aside that 90% of the personal interaction I take as canon is actually fictional (otherwise I'd pick Tariq and Dimitri playing golf) - Zoe and Danny and the teapot of vodka.
24. Favourite quote?
Ah, I knew asking for only one quote was too cruel. "Mice."
25. Dream guest star?
Any of the old cast. ANYONE. Even just as an extra in the crowd.
26. Favourite dodgy government type?
Haha, what a good question! Jools Siviter, obviously, and also that guy from series 3 who turned up completely unexpectedly in 6.09, was his name Jason? He was so slimy and cliched and great.
27. What would you want to see in a Spooks movie?
Many beautiful explosions.
28. How would you end the show?
29. Least favourite dodgy government type?
HomeSec no.1, who had the most bizarre ending ever, and also did no less than three complete turnarounds from good guy to bad guy.
30. Something you learned from watching the show.
Everyone has already said How To Microwave A Landmine, and personally, I wouldn't take that as gospel. I have learned how to disarm a Cold War nuclear bomb, though.