1. Can I just have a little bit of a grump that it isn't on Fridays like last year? That was so great! I got to watch it Saturday morning, literally (literally!) five minutes after the broadcast. Never mind that I used to have to wait months, now I am cranky about having to wait a whole day.
2. HOME SEC WHAAAAAT, I DOTH NOT EVEN. But it was resolution of the Nightingale plot, at least, which is one up on Tiresias. (And did I miss it or was it never actually stated that baby!HomeSec died in the blast? New!HomeSec is just a government change, right? Baby!HomeSec lives! \o/)
4. And having very recently rewatched 3.05 - LOL MURDER ONNA BOAT.
5. I cannot believe they did that Harry/Ruth thing. I also cannot believe I loved every second of it.
6. Ros 2.0 does smugness very nicely, but does not do pretending to crack on to Lucas very nicely. My opinion on Dimitri is being confused by my inability to categorise him - is he Jo 2.0? I think he is Jo 2.0. Anyway, he is lovely-looking and fights sharks for fun, so he can stay.
7. Dear Tariq, please don't wear that shirt again.
8. Wow, my anti-Lead-Male-Angst-At-Expense-Of-Ensemble defence mechanism shut down *sofast* on that Lucas thing at the end. I'll probably be sucked back in again, but right now I just do not care why his name is apparently John.
9. In conclusion: I enjoy this ridiculousness and would like more, please!
10. (In unrelated news, is my new icon giving anyone else headaches? It is so pretty when still and so... shimmery and distracting when scrolling!)