On reflection, this list is rather dangerously saying that I think the current setup is perfect in every way and I hope it doesn't change. Like that's going to happen.
1. Ros in charge. Everyone following her orders without question. Ros and Lucas calmly detonating landmines as if they do it every day. Ros and Harry the political machine. Oh I love all these things. Dear Lucas, please don't try to take over from Ros. Dear Ros, please don't sleep with Lucas.
2. Jo has inherited all that was good about Adam. She is falling to pieces and combatting it by working hard and being hard on herself, rather than getting all shouty and righteous and hypocritical and shagging everyone in sight. She is looking out for Ben like Adam and Zaf looked out for her. She has stopped wearing lots of makeup. She has freckles. I love that she has freckles. Dear Jo, please don't get killed in any sort of way.
3. Ben is clearly Zaf-replacement, down to the exact same undercover scenario, but he's not Zaf. When Zaf did all that in 5.03 or whenever it was, he'd done it before. This is Ben's first time at all this and it's getting me all nostalgic about Zoe and Danny - "The last time I did surveillance on this scale was in training. With a pencil."
4. Lucas has the same last name as Zoe's photographer boyfriend, yes? Have they forgotten? Do they think we've forgotten? Are they just being twats? They did the same thing with Colin and Angela Wells.
5. I love everything about Connie which is Ruth, and everything which isn't Ruth. Dear Connie, please don't be an evil Russian spy, that would be stupid and annoying on so many levels.
6. Dear Malcolm, please keep being Malcolm. Dear Lucas, please keep bringing Malcolm doughnuts.
7. Dear Harry, please don't give me any more reasons to be nervous.
Edit: 8. Oh, and dear Elisabeta, please don't join Section D oh please god no just don't.