I was home sick today, and (un)fortunately too sick to work from home, clean the house, do Christmas shopping, write
yuletide, etc etc... But I watched three episodes of Spooks back-to-back so a successful day, yes?
6.7 - Crap, in all the ways it's already been crap, so no point even listing them.
6.8 - Ros is pregnant.
6.9 - Oh my, how was I completely and utterly unspoiled for this entire episode? I knew nothing about it (save, of course, that no one was going to die). The plot reached new levels of stupid and I can't believe that it's the penultimate episode and this is the first time that Iran's done something bad. Not to mention the first time that Bob Hogan's been on the same side as MI5, and only because they're working against the British government.
But - Harry, Connie, Malcolm and the old school IRA! Adam's angsty plotline being overshadowed! (There seemed to be a subtext of everyone rolling their eyes at Adam which I hope I wasn't imagining.) Quote "ANOTHER SECTION" unquote! And another recurring character from all the way back in series 3 of all places - oh writers, you are spoiling me, in the original sense of the word.
I was very disappointed that Harry smashed the Led Zeppelin tape rather than smack Adam one, though. And how, exactly, did Adam get off without even a slapped wrist, when surely selling the whole story to the papers and getting everyone killed is at the very least a sackable offence, if not a lengthy prison sentence for treason?
Jo and Ben are very sweet and I approve. But Jo and Zaf had more than sweet. Why does Kudos have to waste so much married-couple real-life chemistry?
Actually, it was a pretty crap episode. It was just the unspoiled-ness which made it so exciting. Strengthening my resolve for series 7.
Yes, Yuletide is going to be the death of me. I am having fun researching, though, so hopefully this translates into actual word volume soon.