whos to worry when our hearts get torn?

Feb 25, 2006 14:24

winter break just didnt compare to last years. But its okay, got alll caught up with my sleep which always helps :) didnt do much of anything though. not like there was much to do anyhow. i got my beer bong back last night so i was real pleased with that! def. went to good use. as it always had before. of course the night went downhill. Life is so boring.
cant wait to graduate and leave kimball and everyone behind. and i mean that. this entire summer, im working full-time all day everyday. i dont need to party everyday and i have no reason not to be busy busy. then school and part-time job, then finally ill move on with my life and get away from this immature life'stlye i tend to live.
i cant wait for school to start back up, the faster the school, the closer leaving kimball will come :) plus i dont like break right now. im quite pissed off. and i want to be busy again and not have to worry about all this going on around me. i have a 598438498385 things on my mind right now, im ready to be set off. but hold it in casue its not worth venting.
sorry to bore you with this entry. i guess in a way i am venting.
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