I told Kia she was gonna get shit for posting
this picture. She did. In a manner of speaking. But its not like it wasn't posted on a MAJOR AFI board. *sigh* Yeah anyhow moving on.
Anywho. . .yeah. So today the roads were covered in snow, ice underneath. I got stuck on the hill. Luckily I made it to work okay and shit. Gah. My car still hates me and won't fix up. But yeah, my mom's gonna see about getting me a new car at the car auction this month.
I was supposed to be working on first floor. Got pulled up to two cause two people called off. Luckily Rachel was able to make it into work and Lisa let me stay up on two and I had the easy list with all these people that did themselves. 'Twas a wonderful day. Damn. Second floor and wonderful day are not supposed to go together in a sentence. But yeah.
Mike is working on my car again. Woo! Hopefully it'll be fixed at least until my mom can get me a new one. *Sigh* Fucking graduation/b-day present and it fucking dies when I'm finally able to use the bitch. Grrrr. Argh.
I almost lost my lip piercing. My mom got pissed last night cause she was helping me put in my retainer, I need to get more cause 2 of the 3 rubber stoppers. My mom got fucking pissed, and dropped the one stopper. Started screaming how she told me not to get "the goddamned thing." But I "never listen to a goddamned thing" she says. I accused her of dropping it on purpose, cause she wouldn't even help me look for the stopper and she was just bitching. She came in the room and threw down my box of jewelry for my piercing and I had to scramble to find all the pieces so that if I couldn't find the stopper I could at least put in a post and just use a bigger bandaid or something. *Sigh* Once she calmed down, she found it and helpe me put it in. I was fucking crying. I had to work hard to have the money to get this. I have to practice with this bitch for a while to get used to putting it in. She said she'd give me some money to get some more retainers. . .Hah. I just need the backs.
But I still have it. *Sigh of relief.*
I'm on my laptop, but I shut it down and hooked up my track ball and Split keyboard. My typing is a lil bit better cause I have to type a lil bit slower for a while on here cause I'm not quite used to it yet again. But with the Laptop, the shallow keys made me lazy and I started fucking up bad when typing but it's got to end.
I have to work on my speeh Completely tomorrow. It's due on Tuesday so yeah. It's on straightedge. I have to make a quick powerpoint for it and I'll be set after I get the info together. I pretty much know what I want to say about it, but I have to put the order together. ^_^
Fun lil convo:
Joey: Ah, well I've been talking to a girl from London who said Hunter had a fiancee until those pix came out and then afterwards nothing was ever said again about them getting married! She sent me a pic of them together. Who knows how reliable it is though.
Joey: Right. The London girl and I both said we'd heard all kinds of stuff and neither knew what to believe. The other girl he was with was just as cute as anything though. He's got good taste, I'll give him that much!
Me: o_O
Me: guess that means i dont have a shot then
Me: damn
Oh well, I have my own personal Hunter. *cough*Kia*cough* But I'm feeling the need for a lil Pirate lovin'. Good thing my pirates on. *pounces Joey-kins.*
You know what? SunsetPoet (AKA
Kliquekills) finally finished her fic, now what about Squee? Damn it I want more SLUT! *Falls to floor in a tantrum.*
Kia started a new fic. I fucking love it. 'Tis uber cute and so funny. What I wouldn't have given to be in Davey's position in his one memory. Oh how things would have ended differently. Very differently. ;)
Cait updated her ficcage. Fucking amazing. Hell, even that doesn't begin to cover it. A Secret Garden was updated, amazing. And this one dreamlike fic was updated that I like.
Allow me to say, listening to the end/beginning of the one Co and Ca song while driving down a back, deserted-ish road in the dark with only one streetlight, that's flickering on and off is not a good idea. I got really creeped out. Sadly I don't know which song or which CD cause I mixed a cassette one side from each CD. It was around the song Neverender though, I remember that much. Heh. Maybe a song before or after? I don't know exactly.
I got to go work on some Smikey and the 3some. I just showed Joey, she's liking it. You don't know how stoked it makes me to know she's reading this and liking it because she had told me she couldn't read any ficcage that placed the guys in a different scenerio other than the band.
Joey: Oh very muchly! Honestly this story is like what would happen if we fused Mocha and Thistle together! Thistle has great, very twisted sex scenes, but little plot, or at least very repetitive plot. Mocha has oooodles of plot and mystery and drama, but only a few scattered sex scenes (and hers are almost always very romantic) so this is truly the best of both worlds! Bravo!
^_^ That is high praise coming from her.
Yay, my Kia is on. *Huge ass grin* Now if only Di would get her ass online. *pouts*
"Pull the trigger and the nightmare stops."
I watched the Order last night. Heath Ledger in a priests dress. *thinks thoughts she shouldn't be thinking.* But that's no worse than what I thought of the one where Jade's dressed like one, collar and all.
Me and Joey are discussing Pavlov and Conditioning. I don't even remember how we got into it. Hah. That's kinda funny.
She has a classicaly conditioned response to a certain doctore she used to see. I have a "Learned Helplessness" issue.
Oh I remember, how we were talking about Thistle's fics and how they suffer so much and never leave the situation. And its not a Pavlovian reaction, its more of a classicaly conditioned or masochistic response. Anywho, that's how we got into it.
Three Evils! That's the song! The end of it that's what creeped the fuck out of me!!!
Okay, I think I've rambled enough for now. Yeah, going now.
Riku is happy cause I now see the sexiness that is Maynard. Oh that man is just far too pretty for words in some pics. And I'm gonna prove it. . .
And no I will not cut this. For all must see the lufflyness that is Maynard.