Roughly 4,100 pages. About 83 hours, 37 minutes in actual time spent reading (yes, I am anal enough to count it out). Just under 7 years of my life (as I'm 22 that's almost a third of it folks). And now it's all over.
Harry Potter goodness right this way... Do not click if you don't want details on Book 7! )
“these last few days have been bittersweet…for so many years now these books have been woven into the fabric of my daughters’ lives….after we finished the book on Saturday, I told them how coming of age during the actual publication years -- how the waiting and the uncertainty, hard as it was -- only heightened the whole experience. Think about all the kids who’ll come to Harry now, already knowing how the story ends, I said. It won’t make the books any less great, but it will change the whole experience for them. You were the lucky ones. And I think I was lucky, too.” *
I’ve hounded you since the book came out for info. Telling you, eh, I’ll forget it all by the time I get around to it (which is probably true anyway, lol). But this is the only book you weren’t home to share with me when it came out. Everything she said is so true. It was as if Jo found this nifty secret entrance, that lead the way onto an awesome thrill ride, and she’d invited us all to come along with her. And I got to sit next to you on every trip. We were the lucky ones. (and I cried a little at the end too)
*tina jordan
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