Thought I might be done with my posting for the day. But I kinda left something out.
4 years.
Holy fuck.
On my first "tex-aversary", I thanked everyone that had supported me and helped bring me to where I was ( This time around I still appreciate most of those people just as much and the way they sculpted me, but the last 3 years I have been able to let some go and add some others.
Mom, Dad, Pop-pop, Mom-mom, Chaz, Brandon, Matt, Mary, Jenny, Joe, Elizabeth, Sara, Dina, Shannon, Erick, Chris & Tony, and John, I still mean everything I said then and so much more. Thank you all, even if I know you'll never read this. But there are others to be thanked this time too..
Christina - "I love this entry. Maybe when you write your next one, I will be worthy enough to be in the list. At least, that's what I'm aspiring to. :-)" ~ August 17th, 2007
You have more than made this list. I love you so much and you mean the world to me. I know we don't often get the opportunity to do things together, but when we do I treasure it. You've become such a great friend and more. Thank you.
Angie - You're a great confidant and good girlfriend. Literally - you bring out my girliness and are one of the few genuinely feminine girls I know that doesn't annoy the hell out of me :) I appreciate that more than you could know. Thank you.
Jeremy - You have also become a good friend and I trust you completely. You make me feel silly and sexy at the same time. No one high-fives quite like you. Thank you.
James - You're such a nerd! You're a very new soul and it's so much fun to hang out with you and be around you, watching you make your way through everything life throws at you. I value our friendship greatly and I love you muy muchly. Thank you.
Eirck - So very very very much to say lol. I want to thank you for helping me out of my shell. I'm actually, surprisingly (to me at least), glad things went down the way they did. I've had a chance to make things my own and "do nothing" with others. I know we have very different lives now than we did even a year ago, but I wish you well and I'm ok with letting you go. Even if that means I have to try to replace my Zelda game. But, for everything - even the hurt - thank you.
Geoff - You've been an awesome friend and spiffy big brother of sorts. Thanks for your support, the flowers on Valentines Day and your encouraging spirit. Most of all, for making my best friend so happy. Thank you.
Mikey - I have no words. I've done stuff with you that I never really thought I would. You make me drop insecurities like they're heavy baggage as soon as I enter your home. Your Monday presents make me excited to come to work so I can wait for your chat after you find them. You encourage me at work and outside, and you push me beyond my comfort zone allowing me to add to it. You take me out (or in) drinking on school nights and help me loosen the piano wire around life's neck. I've told you before, I would let our friendship go if it meant you never went through the hurt you've endured over the last 12 months, but since I cannot I can only thank you endlessly for what you've become to me. Thank you. Thank you thank you.
Rick & Louise - You've become my family away from family. I never really understood how a person could get "taken in" by someone else's parents, but that's because I was always so near to mine. With everything, emotional to financial, you've been there for me if for no other reason than that I was a friend of your daughters. Birthdays and holidays you've welcomed me into your home and loved me just like your own. Thank you.
Soooooo.... trying to think of a song for the last year. Perhaps Regina Spektor's Dance Anthem of the 80s. Sure, not all of it is applicable, but I really like the bridge and I really relate to it - it took me a long time to get to where I am now, but it seems like I should have been here forever. It seems every year I evolve just a little more. Thanks for coming along for my ride :)
I went walking through the city
, like a drunk, but not
With my slip showing a little, like a drunk, but not
And I am one of your people, but the cars don't stop
And I am one of your people
, but the cars don't stop
It's been a long time since before I've been touched
Now I'm getting touched all the time
And it's only a matter of whom
, and it's only a matter of when
An addiction to hands and feet
There's a meat market down the street
The boys and girls watch each other eat
when they really just wanna watch each other sleep