Dec 08, 2007 10:48
... time for a real update.
So, I had a vacation day, my scheduled days off and a couple of SJ days last week... fun, right? But I got sick as a dog. So then there were a few sick days. Basically my week went like this:
Saturday was the painting, Sunday was the birthday, Monday was the movie and the start of the ickyness.. by Tuesday it was a little worse - my beau and I did the lazy day thing. Wednesday he went back to work - and I died. I slept till about 2 thanks to the miracle that is Nyquil. Then I migrated to the sofa so I could prop myself up - I could not breath at all. I had the curtains closed and all the lights off for fear my head would burst in two should the slightest amount of light sneak in. I watched some TV, but never louder than volume 5 (we usually have it at about 15-20). I prayed for death, but it never came.
Needless to say, I called out sick on Thursday as it was as much a carbon copy of Wednesday as one could hope. Yesterday was a little better - I only slept till noon and the light/sound wasn't nearly as bad... of course thanks to my sinuses I could hardly hear anyway. I spent part of the afternoon cleaning up the mess that had amassed in the house due to my downtime and, after a nice long shower, I made my beau take me out for some dinner (my first trip out of the house since Monday afternoon).
This morning we got up at about 6:30 and headed off to work where I now sit. Got a long day ahead and a few hours of OT tomorrow, then another day off on Monday - maybe I can be somewhat productive then?
On a good note: I finally got an ergonomic keyboard at work. I had asked for one about three weeks ago when my wrist started aching and I just got it. When I came to work it sat like a beautiful Christmas present hidden beneath my desk. It's taking some time to get used to the layout, but it seems to be working ok so far. And (drum roll please...)
This will make car pooling with the boy sooooooooo much easier. At least until he gets a new schedule lol....