I've still got this book token that the school gave me as a reward for passing the second round of the Greek contest, so I'd like your recommendations.
I was thinking that I'd maybe get myself
James Davidson's The Greeks and Greek Love because I'm intrigued by the topic and the only book which I have about it is from the 60ties and pretty antiquated by now. But apart from that, I don't really have an idea. Maybe I should buy my own copies of
Bernard Cornwell's Warlord Chronicles which I adored but only borrowed from the library. On the other hand, I'd rather like to have a book (or more than one) which I haven't read yet.
Anyway, if you have something to rec to me, go ahead and tell me. I'd love to hear what you enjoyed, fiction or not, so that I can figure out which book(s) to get.
Tommorow I'll have to take my second Greek exam this term (on Antigone) and afterward there'll be no more exams for intensive courses, yay! On the downside, I'll have to hand in my assignment in about 2 weeks and everyone's designing lovely cover pages for theirs (with photoshop and whatnot) and I'm insansely jealous because 1) I am really bad at picture editing and 2) I don't have any idea what kind of images to put on the cover since there's just no graphic material on my topic to be found ANYWHERE :(
In addition, I sitll haven't got answers from the organizations I applied to for a European Voluntary Service and I haven't really figured out what else I could do, so yeah, I'm slightly panicking, considering I'll take my final exams in about 5 months. Oh God. *hides under the bed*
Anyway, here's this awesome song I listened to on the radio yesterday:
Click to view
I really like it; it's very atmospheric and sort of intoxiating. You should all listen to it and maybe write fic going with it. XD
I hope everyone's having a good time and please make some last-minute bids on
help_haiti . I haven't made any offers, but other people offer a lot of great stuff, so be sure to check it out once more. It's a great way to help, even if you don't have so much money.
I was thinking about maybe participating actively (as in making an offer, because for this round I've only been doing the bidding) in the second round if I can figure out something interesting.