Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you.
sealover_astara gave me the following words:
1. Alexander (the Great, of course :-D))
2. Greek
3. Denethor
4. travel
5. fandom
i. Alexander
I haven't been in the AtG moods much recently, but I guess Alexander's amazigness outlives such periods of lack of interest. So, what does Alexander mean to me? I think Alexander as a person and Alexander as a time era are the aspects of Greek history that appeal to me on the most personal level. It's Alexander and his time that I know most about and that I've spent more time reading/thinking about that anything else in this field. That's probably the reason why I can imagine Atg's times better than, say Perikles', and why I feel more closely connected to it. Like, Alexander's not so much a historical fact to me, but more someone I sort of know, with more of a personality. The reason for my Alexander love I don't really know myself, but I think it's partly because it's very different from the stereotypical image of Greek classics, if only because the events do not even take place in Greece. To me Alexander is mostly about different cultures converging as far as politics are concerned, and about a disrupted person with a drive to go always further as far as the personality is concerned, and that's what I love about it, I think. (Because I'm a sucker for tragedy oO)
ii. Greek
Well, closely linked to what I said about Alexander. First and foremost I like to spend my time with Ancient Greek language and history. It's sort of my favourite subject in school most of the time, because it simply interests me. When it comes to history, I've always been more a fan of Ancient times than of Modern ones. I guess I've just chosen the Ancient Greek time period to be my favourite one, but I'm not saying that it couldn't have been something else if the opportunity had arisen. It's really difficult to say what exactly I like about Greek, but I admit that the fascination is partly because it's sort of exotic. Of course I also like the language and I adore how so much of Ancient Greek culture is still evident today, language-wise and in other aspects. After all, a huge part of Western culture is based on Ancient Greek ideas, so I feel like studying Greek may help me to understand my own world better, on some abstract level. Also, I love to geek out about Ancient Greek guys because it's so much fun to fangirl about something that other people consider a very serious business. XD
iii. Denethor
This is really a word that reminds you of me, Astara? I feel like I haven't been talking about Denethor in ages, the poor guy ;( But that's just because I generally have sort of left the LotR fandom, so no worry, Denethor you're still in my heart. ;) I guess what got me into liking him in the beginning was my Boromir love when I sort of started giving his entire family more thought. What I like about Denethor is the tragedy in his life, for the drama stuff always does it for me. However I'm also in love with his happy times because it makes the entire thing more bearable. There's this bitter-sweetness in writing/reading about his good years with Finduilas and the kids, knowing what's to come or the other way around. Moreover Denethor isn't a bad person to me. What we see of him in RotK is just the end of him, I think, but overall he did a good job at ruling Gondor and raising his sons without their mother and didn't have any bad intentions.
iv. travel
Ah well, seeing new places is a part of my life I couldn't do without. When I've been stuck with my everyday life for too long, I really need a trip somewhere to get a change of scene and escape the boredom for sometime. Not saying that I'm not content with my life, but after some time I always start feeling sort of restless and need to do something new and exciting. That urge has gotten worse with time, so I think it's really about time for school to end so that I can finally go abroad for a larger span of time, but until then the occasional travelling has to do. What might be interesting is that I really can't stand "relaxing holidays", you know, lying at the beach all day and that sort of stuff, because it bores me to death. When I go somewhere, I really want to see new things. That's probably why I prefer city trips to any other sort of holiday because that's where you can do and see most. ;)
v. fandom
Oh god, I don't even remember when my dive into fandom began. I think it was when I was around thirteen and in love with Johnny Depp, surfing the internets for Pirates of the Carribbean. That way I sort of ended up in a small LotR community where I stayed a rather long time and became really close friends with the people, I'd say. I spent a lot of time online back then, so I obviously became a Lord of the Rings fan too at sometime. But I honestly can't really say when or how or whatever. At the same time or after that, idk, I discovered this German Harry Potter community where a rl friend of me and I spent hours and hours and made some rather close internet friendships too, but not as close as the ones on the LotR community. At that time I was really sort of fanatic,
I think oO I can't exactly say when it stopped but at some point I dropped out of all the fandoms and spent massively less time online. In the last two years or so I've been somehow back to fandom, but in a totally different way and more as a passive member, i.e. reading fanfictions, browsings LiveJournal and stuff, but less fixated. My interests have also widened, so I dabble in a lot more fandoms than before, although some of them don't last very long.
So, when I was a teenager fandom was like reeeaaaally important for me and I spent most of my free time in it, I'd say, but nowadays it's more of a way to pass alone-time and indulge in my fangirly side when I feel like it. However, I hope I'll never be able to completely stay out of fandom because it's a great way to meet an amazing lot of very talented and nice people.