I've already done this once, but
proskynesis tagged me, so here's some more icon awesomeness.
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
So, Gemma picked these:
Well what can I say, apart from OBAMANIA!!! *lol* No, seriously, I wanted an Obama icon when the campaign and the election happened, because he was so omnipresent in the media and I felt like I had to say something about him all the time. So, yeah. Mind it, I think that until now he seems to have been getting along quite well - it looks like change is really about to happen. Okay, I've got to admit, I'm not really that well informed about US politic details right now, but what we hear over here in Europe is pretty positive. So yep, Obama, he still fascinates me.
Oh, this just me standard Harry Potter icon. I think it's wonderful because it perfectly captures the Harry!feeling (glasses!) and the atmosphere of the books. As for "the magic lives" - I think (or at least hope) that HP is always going to be a part of me. It sounds cheesy, but I was really into it for several years from when I was about eleven (how fitting) and it's got this very personal meaning for me. That's why it'll somehow always be with me even though the series are finished now.
Oh, I got that one around the time when I started driving lessons and really sucked at it. XD I thought I was never going to figure out how to do it right, so every lesson was painful for me. So this icon was meant to express my feelings of FAIL. By the way, by now that's totally changed. I'm probably still no good driver, but it's sort of fun and I can't really understand anymore why it was so hard for me. But however, the icons stays, because it's still very appropriate. (Why the f**k doesn't anyone signal when leaving the roundabout?!)
Oh, Boromir. I was so in love with him when I was around 13 or 14. Yes, I'm into the scruffy, rough type, so what? ;-) However, I actually only uploaded that icon a while ago because I had a talk with roh_wyn about the Boromir romance she writes (highly recommended, by the way) and she mentioned that Boromir needs more love. I felt like the icon was very fitting, so here it is.
Well, Homer, what can you really say about him? It's just HOMER. I simply feel that I'm obliged to have a Homer icon, since well, he sort of marks the literature beginnings of the occident and since I busy myself with Ancient Greek stuff a great amount of time, I've got to give credit to him. Sometimes I even get the feeling that everything sort of roots back to Homer, but that's just me being absurd. And of course, he's the one responsible for Iliad-fanboy!AtG and general Alexander-Achilles/Hephaistion-Patroklos love, so that makes him even more dear to me.
For RL, there is nothing really exciting happening.
- I wrote 4-hours German essay today (poem analysis) which exhausted me. I'm also a bit worried about having made up too much stuff without any basis for my assumptions in the text.
- Greek teacher's wife is going to have a baby, so I ordered
this today as a present (q.e.d. in Greek)
- There's this guy I met recently who has asked me out for coffee (via internet). He's really nice, but I'm just not attracted to him. Help?! *me doesn*t know how to deal with these sort of things*