(no subject)

Dec 31, 2012 04:20

Jan 11 66 icons

Not a lot changed with my icons at the beginning of the new year. I notice I was trying out a lot of crazy compositions and colorings and some different things with textures. However, I still seemed to have my fondness for the color yellow intact with most of these, lol. If it ain't broke... ;)

Jan 30 44 icons

Still lots of crazy compositions and colorings going on here. I think I was really starting to play around with Vibrance at this point, too. I even started to branch out a little and move away from so many yellow colorings. And of course the one constant in my icons remains intact here, text!

Feb 07 20 icons

My entry for the tv tropes challenge at 20inspirations. I consider this post to be a real turning point for me as a maker. I really went outside my comfort zone with these. I have to say this post is probably my favorite of all time. I love the different colors, the compositions and the text on these. And look, less yellow!

Feb 20 50 icons

I think I slipped back a little into my old comfort zone with these. I don't really care for this post as it seems I got a little insecure with my style and went with the old stand-bys instead of progressing. I also think the text in most of these is way overdone.

Mar 05 60 icons

I don't know what the hell's going on with this post, tbqh. There's lots of solid colorings (blues, yellows, greens) going on here. Lots of multiple image icons. I think I was trying to see if I could do more complex icons, or something, IDK. I don't like this one at all. :S

Mar 09 20 icons

The warm and cool challenge for 20inspirations was really a challenge for me in every way possible. Prior to this I hadn't really experimented too much with more solid colorings in my icons. From the looks of these, though, it seems I've got a pretty good handle on that particular technique. I really love how distinct the difference is between the warm and the cool. I think the blue toned icons are my favorites. :)

Mar 13 27 icons

The pale and vibrant challenge at 20inspirations allowed me to step outside my comfort zone in terms of coloring. I'd never made pale-hued icons up until this point. And it looks I was still in my multiple image/crazy composition phase here too.

Mar 21 45 icons

This was about the time I discovered textures by fuuurs, lol. As you can see they are allll over this post. I like the different colorings I was trying out at this time. It seems I had a fondness for monochrome icons.

Apr 10 35 icons

It looks as if I was in a little bit of an icon rut here. The icons in this post look very samey and boring to me. I also tried my hand at iconning Friday Night Lights and don't think I was successful. I don't think there's too many stand-outs in this post.

Apr 19 30 icons

Nothing too exciting in this post. I suppose the icons I made for the black and white challenge at 20inspirations are pretty decent. Not too many people liked that challenge, but I did. However, I've never really struggled that much with black and white colorings, lol. *shrug*

May 15 40 icons

My entries for turbo_rumble are really out there and waaay outside of my usual style. I'm still not sure if I actually like them or not. The Veronica Mars icons stand out the most to me here.

May 27 25 icons

This was right around the time iconflashes opened, which is why this post is more diverse fandom-wise than my other posts. I really like what I was doing with the compositions in these and the text work is probably some of my best, if I do say so myself. And it looks like this was also when I started playing around with Topaz!

June 11 41 icons

Clearly I was not ready to let go of crazy compositions and out there colorings, because damn, this post is all over the place style-wise. I really like how vibrant some of the colors are in these, though.

July 01 20 icons

My about-me post for 20inspirations. The nitpicks I have with this post? Too. much. yellow. IDK wth is up with me and the color yellow but I over-use it alot. I can also see the Topaz abuse all over this post. I think I was just playing around with the filters a lot and experimenting, which is why these look so Topaz-y! In all honesty though, I do like this post and it really does showcase me as an iconmaker.

July 05 61 icons

Well, looks like someone found a new favorite color! I didn't realize quite how purple this post was, lol. But good on me for finding a different color than yellow! Not only was I experimenting with different colors it looks like I was also experimenting with text a lot here too. I love the diversity of the fonts in this post!

July 14 51 icons

This was around the time I had started using a lot of the Hard Light blending mode in my icons. High Pass + Hard Light is my favorite way to sharpen these days. Add a little Topaz and your icons look pretty HQ. Almost too much in some instances. My favorite icon from this post is the Dean/John Winchester icon. That one was quite progressive for me at the time. I was pretty proud of that one.

July 22 30 icons

These icons were from the icon_talk icon battle. I didn't really care for most of the icons I made for the battle tbqh. Not that the caps were all that bad, they weren't, it's just I don't think my muse was really into it. I wasn't inspired at all. I really love how that Willow icon turned out, though. :)

August 14 30 icons

This was around the time I started getting into Teen Wolf. That show is so pretty, I couldn't resist. Looks like I was experimenting a lot with green colorings here, too.

Aug 21 15 icons

I honestly don't know wth is going on in this post. Looking at this now, all I can see is lots of over-contrasting going on. I like the vibrant colors in some of the icons, though. And it looks as if I was trying out some muted/faded colorings as well.

Sept 08 42 icons

I really like this post. I love the diversity of the colors (purples, greens, blues), I love the texture use and also the crops. I notice there's not much text going on here. I think at this point I was hitting a slump, where I wasn't feeling anything text-wise on my icons.

Oct 01 55 icons

This post is definitely one of my favorites. I really love the direction I was going with compositions (lots of multi-image icons here!) and colorings (more purples, blues and greens!) and crops. The text work in this post is pretty decent if I do say so myself.

Oct 25 65 icons

I was getting into Once Upon a Time around the time these icons were posted. I have to say that the show being so pretty was really useful for inspiration for icons! I was also experimenting with silhouettes (that 'snow falls' icon for instance) and Topaz a lot here too.

Nov 19 69 icons

Lots of variations going on in this post! I was trying out some grungier rougher colorings/texture-use on some of these as well as more unconvential types of colorings. Also, I was trying my hand at some variations with text (more drop shadows, use of underlining and whatnot).

Dec 15 77 icons

Last post of the year! It looks like I've done a complete 360 since my first post of the year with these icons. I'm aiming for a less complex, more minimalistic style with more muted/pale type colorings and simpler crops. My text use has even been scaled down a bit. Over time I've realized my icons have become too cluttered and all over the place in terms of style. I'm leaning towards a simpler approach to my icons and I really like the direction I'm heading in right now.

A Look Ahead... (To be posted in January 2013)

other: 2012 icon progression

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