|tutorial: dean

Apr 09, 2011 08:40

As requested by ina_ami.


Made in Photoshop CS3

This icon is a little bit more...aggressive than I usually make. Let's just say I was thinking outside the box when I created it. *G* The original cap of Dean is from 1.22 Devil's Trap, from a positively delicious scene with lots of Dean being angry and torture-y, which is why the overall color scheme of the icon is red. I guess I was going for literal here. The cap isn't exact because I couldn't remember which one it was, but it's close. Let's get started.

As per usual with my icons these days, I pasted the full size cap into a 200x200 square and moved it around for the crop with the Free Transform tool. I then resized the base down to 100x100.

For coloring, I was thinking I could go black and white with this one as the scene was so dark and a standard coloring wasn't working. So I had that in mind when I colored this base. I duplicated my base like so: Soft Light -> Screen -> Screen -> Soft Light.

I added Color Balance, Levels and Hue/Saturation.

For additional brightening, I added a light blob with a hard round brush at @ 20-30px and blurred the blob with Gaussian blur at @ a 10px radius. I placed the blob below the top Soft Light Layer. I then added a solid color layer in yellow below the light blob.

At this point, I didn't like the coloring at all. So I decided to add a gradient map. I tried out black and it didn't work, and then on a whim, decided to go with red.
And that was what I settled on. It just worked so well. After that was where more adjustments and fiddling around came in. I added more Screen layers to brighten it up more. I also added more light blobs and changed the top Soft Light layer to Overlay to increase contrast and make the background a little darker.

I added a new layer at the top of my palette setting the blend mode to Soft Light. Using a small round brush in black, I colored in the bottom left corner of the icon to remove some leftover background stuff that I didn't want showing.

After that, I went down to the Overlay layer and sharpened once. I added a black and white light texture at the top of my layers palette and set it to Lighten at @ 10%. I then erased some of the light I had added earlier because it was too overpowering. And here's what we have so far.

I selected this texture by lemonpunch, desaturated (SHIFT+CTRL+U) and inverted (CTRL+I) it until this was my result. I then pasted the texture onto my icon and set it to Screen. I erased the parts of the grid that were covering Dean's face with a small round eraser brush.

I added the text 'Take Me Now' using the font Bebas at size 16 and then ('or know the truth') in Arial at around size 2 or 3. I moved the smaller line of text between the two larger words. Note that the text is a lyric from the song 'Blaze of Glory' by Bon Jovi. *G* And this is what we have.

I then selected all the text layers, rasterized and merged all the layers into one. (Hold down the CTRL key and select the text layers. Right click -> Rasterize Type. Right click -> Merge layers). I blurred the merged text layer slightly with Gaussian blur at a lowered opacity and faded the blur. After that I sharpened the text and faded the sharpen so it wasn't yucky looking. And this is our final result. Close to the original, I hope. *G* And not confusing at, LOL. ;)

Please use this tutorial as a guide. I don't provide PSD's with my tutorials, so please don't ask. Thanks! :)

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