Famous Fathers-Pia Z. Ehrhardt

Jan 07, 2018 19:41

"Why not say what happened?"-Robert Lowell

Running the Room

...because she still looked naked, like she trusted him with everything. (17)

Intermediate Goals

I want to say what I feel is craven. Craven. It's raw sounding-a combination of hunger and large dark bird. When you look it up in the dictionary, though, it means cowardly. That's crazy. English is so screwed up. (67)

How it Floods

I pray that he falls in love the way other people fall in love, where it's just a gift offered by a man and a woman at about the same time, where their hearts are flying toward one another, sure and scared. (126)

Famous Fathers

On the digital camera my parents gave her for Christmas were five photographs she'd left as a good-bye, but a man fishing in a bright yellow bass boat saw her sink and pulled her out, so now the pictures are her screen savers. (130)

I wanted to see what happened when you just admitted what it was you wanted. (131)


They stayed up for two days to argue and hurt each other with such old, old news. (154)

lit quotes

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