Despite her appearance, Tsukasa is quite the powerful magic-user. Her spell and ability list is as follows [These are as of the present moment and may be changed with her COMP based on the current situation]:
Wind Dance [Multiple wind attacks vs random targets.
Holy Dance [Almighty/Non-Elemental damage vs random targets.]
MahaGarudyne [Wind damage vs all enemies.]
Recarm [Revives a fallen ally.]
Force Jump [Wind Damage up 1.5x]
Victory Cry [Restores full HP and MP after each battle.]
Resist Almost All [Reduces all non-almighty damage and status affliction chances by 1/2]
Jack Frost
Fairy Clan/Absorbs Ice/Weak to Fire
Ice Dance
Charm [Heals nearby characters.]
Anti-mystic [resists mind altering effects.]
Mana Bonus [raises max MP]
Kind, personable, and a bit dense, Tsukasa's Jack Frost loves people and tends to endear herself to new friends quickly. Her fur is very soft and soothing to pet.
Fairy Clan/Resists Electricity/ Weak to Fire.
Dia [Heals one ally]
Charm [Heals one Ally at range]
Zio [Electric damage vs one enemy.]
Tsukasa's pixie is best described as mischievous. She loves to play tricks on others and is something of a gossip, making it a bad idea to trust her with secrets. Moreover, she is also very perverted and can be quite crass about sexual matters when given the chance to be. She once switched bodies with Tsukasa during an event in which an enchanted ocean appeared in the garden, thankfully she was having to much fun in the water to do anything lewd with Tsukasa's body.
Bel Demons:
The following are demons that took part in the War of Bel and were defeated by Tsukasa. Their essence currently lies in her soul and Tsukasa is able to summon these demons at will, though it is unlikely she ever will in the garden, and use their powers. In-game Tsukasa is currently unaware of this fact.
Bel Zebul
Items and Clothing
Tsukasa's COMP
A gaming device that for all intents and purposes looks exactly like a Nintendo DS Lite, the COMP is normally a portable gaming device that is also capable of sending E-Mail, browsing the web, and playing games online.
Tsukasa's COMP is a special model modified by her elder cousin, Naoya, it is different then normal in that it has a demon summoning program installed and is capable of accessing the underground devil auction network where Demon Tamers buy and sell Demons. It also possess a strange program known as a harmonizer that allows the user's body to sync with the non-material reality demons exist and minimize the massive damage demons can normally inflict on human beings.
In non-functional note, the fact that Naoya gave her this COMP means it is very important to the Tsukasa. If it is ever lost or stolen she would likely do anything to get it back.
In-Game status
Tsukasa is currently keeping her Pixie and Jack Frost in her COMP and uses it to modify her skill set from time to time. She has also been trying to restore its fusion function, which allows the user to combine two demons into a more powerful demon, but has been unsuccessful thus far.