Another Weekend...

May 08, 2004 17:01

So It's the weekend again.. How wonderful.. I swear I hate weekends, my week days are so much cooler. I always have my hopes up for Saturday and Friday night and 9 times out of 10 both nights aren't very fun. lol.. Oh well.. I hope tonight doesn't suck. I went to Hooters yesterday. I'm not really sure I like that place very much. First because their food isn't very good and I don't really like wings and second because they dress those super cute waitresses in the ugliest outfits ever. It makes me so mad. I know they are supposed to show a lot and that's fine as least don't make them wear those terrible high socks.. Ewh.. Give them cute shoes and like little tiny skirts or something... Sheesh ... poor cute girls.
Hmmm.. I was looking at my hair in the mirror today and I realized that it faded soooo much! It went from looking almost black to this light brown. Everyone keeps commenting on my new hair color and I keep telling them, "Hey, I didn't dye it." heh.. But I'm getting it done at the end of this month down UZori my favorite place ever.
Sorry I don't update my journal very much. My thoughts are that if I update it a whole bunch it will get old and no one will read it.. heh.. I'm such a dork...
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