my head hurts.

May 19, 2006 00:08

Today was a painful day. I don't mean to whine, but seriously, more painful than usual.

(This information really doesn't need to be shared, but what-the-fuck do i care?)

This morning, I got my legs and bikini-area waxed. Any girl that tells you it "doesn't hurt that much" is lying through her teeth just to make herself seem tough. It hurts like hell. I mean, I don't even know what hell hurts like, but if I had a guess, it would be getting your body waxed for eternity. The hair would just grow back immediately and someone would just keep waxing you. And the wax even fakes you out with it's "warm and pleasing" feeling. and then pain.

I must have given quite a few people a good laugh though with my funny walking afterwards. Memo to self: next time, wear a skirt, not tight jeans.

Later, as i was packing, I dropped a box of books on my toes. (Yowch!)

And now i've got a headache that just won't seem to disappear. it's one of those headaches that is right above your eyebrow, and it isn't pounding or anything, just continually aching. Blaaagh. Asprin didn't really make a dent, and i'm pretty sure that long island with Dub didn't help. (I know I'm an idiot. And I know I shouldn't complain when I'm the one who's probably causing it. Whatever.)

On a good note, I leave for Europe in three days. I think I might go to Brussels while I'm there. I mean, why not?
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