Jul 21, 2010 07:28
I need to get back on this as I have a few rants...
This amuses me. Most on here will know about the contempt in which I hold Tesco, at the best of times, but this time, they just made me laugh.
There's a lot of smug backslapping and such about Buying British etc etc, we're in a recession, British is Best, wartime spirit and all that bollocks. Morrisons advertise how all their fresh meat is from the UK. This is good. British meat is good. I'll also go out on a limb to say British milk, spuds, eggs, carrots, strawberries and apples are bloody fantastic. British bananas? Well now you're just being silly...
So imagine my bemusement when at the top of my street last week I saw a Tesco advert saying that 100% of the wheat in its bakery bread is British.
Basically then, they're saying their bread is inferior. Well done Tesco! It's pretty common knowledge that European wheat is not the best fro breadmaking - it is apparently 'soft', and is also deficient in certain minerals and selenium, one reason we in th UK don't get enough selenium is due to the change to using European wheat.
The best is apparently Canadian wheat, and when I buy flour for the breadmaker, and I'm feeling flush, certain brands will shout about this on the packaging.
Anyhow, lecture over, hurrah to Tesco with their own goal! Unfortunately, the majority of the British public will see the '100% British' bit and think that's a good thing. Gah.