
Nov 15, 2005 13:01

You'd think that the number of recent updates would say something about the state of my workload, like, it's not heavy. That would be an incorrect assumption. According to some statistic that I heard in high school and cannot authenticate, more dishes are done during reading week than at any other time. Except in my house, where 13-mile enforces cleanliness with an iron fist.

At any rate, yesterday Professor Jackson took the entire class to faculty house, where the entire class was treated to dinner. Those of us who keep the covenant via kashrut were given a little packaged salad. At first we thought that that was all we were getting, but after the salad was removed we were given an airplane-esque meal, triple wrapped so that not only the kashrut was observed, but it was also safe from radioactivity. I foolishly gave up my classy plastic fork during the first remove, and when I asked for another, the waiter deadpan told me that there wasn't one. After he left to search the table started cracking up. Apparently he was incorrect (or they rescued my original fork from the garbage) and fork was achieved.

Of course, since he did something nice for us, Professor Jackson held the class until 8:30pm (half an hour after it is supposed to end) by which point I bolted to the bathroom. The discussion that we had beforehand was pretty good though. I actually could sit in that class forever, unfortunately for everyone else, so could Professor Jackson.

Tonight I am going ice skating, which as Ilana points out, is a terrific date idea, because the point of dates is to make you look stupid. My response was that her point of view explains her love life. At any rate, tonight I am going, and I'm excited. We're actually going out, because last time the boy commented that while he likes seeing me, we should do other things first, to move away from the "booty call" model for relationships. I thought, but didn't say that booty calls don't EVER get flowers. But I did. So he can take me wherever he wants. I'm so easily bribed.

As I am going to his house for Friday night dinner, I am wondering if I should bring him flowers. I think that it'd be funny, but a) I'm already making two pies, and b)it might be more of a declaration than he wants. I mean, you have to be pretty secure in a relationship for that type of joke, and I don't know if he wants to announce it to his friends. I, being sneaky, had LGT ask him last night if we were official, his response:
LGT: So, how are you treating my little Bekkiki. (example of situational irony, neither he nor I are very little)
Boy: Blushes
LGT: Are you guys official? (example of LGT being sneaky. Thank G-d she isn't a spy)
Boy: I mean, I haven't had anything notarized, but I think so.

We have achieved awesome. Now it is time to eat my ravioli, shower and write thesis. Mmm thesis.
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