cruskits are underated

Oct 26, 2007 08:56

So, im home from darwin, actually, i was home last saturday, but i've been so busy with work and shit that i haven't had a chance to get on here and whinge about it!

anyhoo, luved darwin HEAPS!!!! if i could live anywhere in oz besides perth, it'd be darwin. Its like bali without the stench, cars and people... sooo laid back. I'm glad i have to go back in 2009, might even take the fam with me this time. Anyhoot, it was gorgeous weather, hot all the time really, and uni was fun. Met some great people and on my prac day, had to wash some old man's balls, that was interesting for want of a better word.

Anyhoo, home again as stated and working up a storm. So many extra shifts coming my way. Should enjoy it while it lasts i suppose, i have a feeling the other girl maybe coming back next week so she'll be covering her normal days meaning i wont get any spare shifts unless she can't come in. But we'll see.

Kids are both fine, millar currently has a massive turd in his pants and wont let me change him.. ah well, it's his comfort being compromised. Me and liv just have to put up with the stink, which thankfully, isn't as bad as some days. Oh yeah, liv had day surgery on tuesday to fix her back molar which had a massive cavity - apparently she had a weakness in the enamel and it just decayed out, so she has a stainless steel cap on it, she's all about the mouth bling now!! anyhoo, she did really well and i very proud of her braveness.

I've woken up with a touch of conjuctivitis today..OH JOY.. so rang work, they said don't come in tonite, so because it's mine and the Tox's 11 wedding anniversary tomorrow, we are going to have some friends over for dinner instead, a little impromptu dinner date..

All you mofo's should get facebook ( or if you have, find me and friend me, i have all my pix up on there.. if you got it, send me a comment and i'll add ya!

other than that, nothing much to report from this neck'o'the woods. any suggestions for what to cook for dinner would be sweet, only allison is coeliacs so no gluten for her..makes it tough.. might chuck some buk buk's on the rotisseri bbq...salad or roast veg... hmmmmmmmm

righto, as you were, i gotta go change that shitty ass and clean my eye bogies..
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